Drawing Issues from 2003->2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Eric Swartz, Jan 30, 2004.

  1. Eric Swartz

    Eric Swartz Guest

    Hey Everyone!

    We've been having some issues (which our VAR is working on) with
    drawings that were created in 2003 and upgraded to 2004 (both by
    opening the drawing and upgrading and running the conversion wizard...
    made no difference).

    We open the 2003 drawing in 2004... it looks fine while it loads the
    parts... Once open, the associated geometry moves from where it
    originally was, but the dimensions and such don't go with it. Section
    sketches stay put as well causing havoc for any of the section views.
    Before rebuilding, if you click on a view, the geometry is outside the
    view. After rebuilding, the view moves so as to contain the
    geometry... but it doesn't fix anything as the dimensions and section
    sketches stay where the geometry originally was in 2003.

    This package consists of 60+ drawings... and so far the only way to
    fix them is to go through and fix them... one by one.

    I'm curious if anyone else has had similar issues and what you did to
    fix them (if you could).


    Eric Swartz, Jan 30, 2004
  2. Eric Swartz

    Krister L Guest

    I had this behaviour while opening or when opened in "view only" mode. Once
    the drawing was opened and model fully loaded things were in the right place
    though......this was in Sp1....think in Sp0 as well......seem to be gone now
    in Sp2.1

    Krister L, Jan 30, 2004
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