Drawing file size problem - too large

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by TJ, Nov 2, 2004.

  1. TJ

    TJ Guest

    Hello to All:

    I'm hoping that someone on this newsgroup can help solve a rather
    strange problem that I've been having with certain AutoCAD drawing
    files that have grown to about three times the size I feel they should

    I am a drafter at a geotechnical engineering firm in Oregon and most
    of our drawings are very simple. We use AutoCAD 2000i here. My
    current project is to go through our small library of stock drawings
    with the intention of detailing them somewhat and adding some touches
    to make them look a little more finished. I have two nearly identical
    drawings with the same amount of hatching etc. and yet one is 307 KB
    and the other is 1061KB. I have done everything I can think of to
    reduce the size of this drawing including all the suggestions I could
    find in the archives of this newsgroup. There are only seven layers,
    a very small amount of hatching (no dots), no dimensions, ISAVEPERCENT
    is set to 0, DELOBJ is set to 0, and I have purged all unused layers,
    dimstyles, textstyles, etc. There are no blocks or xrefs in this
    drawing and I have tried WBLOCKing it out to a new drawing with no
    success in reducing the file size.

    To me, the really strange thing about this is that if I open a brand
    new empty drawing its size is 26KB. If I copy over (copy with base
    point) even a single object from one of my bloated drawings, such as a
    short line segment, the new drawing immediately grows to 986KB. This
    tells me that I am bringing over some unseen entities to my new
    drawing but I cannot figure out what they might be.

    I would rate myself as intermediate-level user of AutoCAD and I'm
    hoping that some of the more experienced users may have some ideas
    about what's going on here.

    Thanks to all who take the time to read and reflect on this posting.
    We are experiencing some problems with our email here so I am using my
    personal account, which is . Either email or posting
    works equally well for me. Thanks again.

    Tom J. in Oregon
    TJ, Nov 2, 2004
  2. I would investigate the number of "saved layer states" in the file as the
    possible culprit.
    I think they started with 2000i can have the effects you describe.
    Michael Bulatovich, Nov 2, 2004
  3. TJ

    Tim Guest


    Is there a quick way to purge the saved layer states?

    We have drawings with hundereds of the damn things in, and when you create a
    new layer the other layers dissapear from the display which means you have
    to dig around to bring back the correct layer display, which is a total pain

    Sorry for the slight thread hijacking but hopefully it's the next question
    asked anyway :)


    Tim, Nov 3, 2004
  4. TJ

    Rick Elliott Guest

    I looked up the DELOBJ after reading your post. Seems to me that if
    file size is a problem you'd want to set DELOBJ to 1. Here's what I
    found in the Acad help file.

    Type: Integer
    Saved in: Registry
    Initial value: 1
    Controls whether objects used to create other objects are retained or
    deleted from the drawing database.

    0 Objects are retained
    1 Objects are deleted

    Try creating a new dwg and setting DELOBJ to 1. Then insert an object
    from the bloated file and see what happens. You didn't say but I'm
    guessing your running 2000i on XP. I've noticed similar "bloating" as
    you call it from some of our files also.

    Good luck
    Rick Elliott
    Rick Elliott, Nov 3, 2004
  5. Sorry Tim, I have no direct experience with these things, but if you do a
    google you should
    find a thread here or in alt.cad.autocad a few months back. I recall someone
    may have written
    a routine to do this.....
    Sorry to hear you too don't like the "new feature".
    Michael Bulatovich, Nov 3, 2004
  6. TJ

    Paul Turvill Guest

    That has to do with whether the original objects are deleted when creating
    blocks, and in most cases won't have much of an effect on drawing file size.
    Paul Turvill, Nov 3, 2004
  7. TJ

    TJ Guest

    I actually posted this over a week ago to Google Group
    comp.cad.autocad and for some unknown reason it never appeared in the
    group nor did I receive any error messages that it didn't go through.
    Anyway, I will try to post again. Sorry if this turns out to be a
    duplicate post.
    Tom J.
    Hello to All:

    I'm hoping that someone on this newsgroup can help solve a rather
    strange problem that I've been having with certain AutoCAD drawing
    files that have grown to about three times the size I feel they should

    I am a drafter at a geotechnical engineering firm in Oregon and most
    of our drawings are very simple. We use AutoCAD 2000i here. My
    current project is to go through our small library of stock drawings
    with the intention of detailing them somewhat and adding some touches
    to make them look a little more finished. I have two nearly identical
    drawings with the same amount of hatching etc. and yet one is 307 KB
    and the other is 1061KB. I have done everything I can think of to
    reduce the size of this drawing including all the suggestions I could
    find in the archives of this newsgroup. There are only seven layers,
    a very small amount of hatching (no dots), no dimensions, ISAVEPERCENT
    is set to 0, DELOBJ is set to 0, and I have purged all unused layers,
    dimstyles, textstyles, etc. There are no blocks or xrefs in this
    drawing and I have tried WBLOCKing it out to a new drawing with no
    success in reducing the file size.

    To me, the really strange thing about this is that if I open a brand
    new empty drawing its size is 26KB. If I copy over (copy with base
    point) even a single object from one of my bloated drawings, such as a
    short line segment, the new drawing immediately grows to 986KB. This
    tells me that I am bringing over some unseen entities to my new
    drawing but I cannot figure out what they might be.

    I would rate myself as intermediate-level user of AutoCAD and I'm
    hoping that some of the more experienced users may have some ideas
    about what's going on here.

    Thanks to all who take the time to read and reflect on this posting.
    We are experiencing some problems with our email here so I am using my
    personal account, which is . Either email or posting
    works equally well for me. Thanks again.

    Tom J. in Oregon
    TJ, Nov 12, 2004
  8. TJ

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Delete your named Layer Filters. They carry over even when you copy just a
    few items to a new drawing.
    Paul Turvill, Nov 12, 2004
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