Drawing file size-need performance tips

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by T Jones, Apr 1, 2004.

  1. T Jones

    T Jones Guest

    What makes the drawing file size so large in SW. I have an assembly
    that is about 7mb and a 4 sheet drawing that is 27mb without much
    dimensioning, just standard views and a few sections. Moving views is
    extreamly slow. I am on 2004
    sp2.1, win2k,Nvidia Quadro-4-980XGL card, 2.8 ghz-p4 with 2 gig ram.
    T Jones, Apr 1, 2004
  2. Also try adjusting your Image Quality settings this will affect your
    performance. FYI the more sheets you get the slower things will be. SW
    hasn't quite gotten the multiple sheet drawing thing down yet. =(


    (BTW I have a model of a casting, nothing too special like an engine or
    anything, relatively simple but It is on 3 sheets with a bunch of section
    cuts and man it got bogged down. Though recently I did a small assembly
    with just tubing and sheetmetal and had 5 sheets no sections and it didn't
    seem to do too bad.)
    Corey Scheich, Apr 1, 2004
  3. T Jones

    Robin Guest

    Try ecosqueeze from ecocom.com. If yo never used it you'll see a good file
    size reduction. Same as unfrag from microsoft.

    Robin B
    Mech Eng, Montréal, Canada
    Self employed
    SW2004 SP2.1
    Shuttle SB75G
    Zippy Keyboard
    Intel 3 Ghz, 1 gig ram HyperX ddr433
    FX500, Spaceball 4000FLX
    Robin, Apr 1, 2004
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