Drawing Environment not enabled

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dominic V, Nov 28, 2005.

  1. Dominic V

    Dominic V Guest

    Hello all, I have a problem with an Installation of SW 2005. When I
    install it the drawing package does not load, I can't open any
    drawings(I get an error message for unsupported file type), and the
    option for create new drawing does not appear when pressing the new
    document button. I have contacted my VAR, but they are taking some
    time to get back to me. I have reinstalled the software, tried the
    'repair' option in the installer and am running out of ideas. All of
    the files are installed for the drawing package like templates, formats
    etc. Could there be a problem with my Registry? Maybe the entries for
    ..slddrw files has been deleted or corrupted? Does any body have some

    Fingers crossed for a good response.

    Dominic V.
    Dominic V, Nov 28, 2005
  2. Dominic V

    martin.stub Guest

    Try to un-install SolidWorks through add/remove programs. Then open
    regedit from Start -> Run -> regedit and then delete the folder(s)
    SolidWorks (and SolidWorks Corporation) from HKEY_CURRENT_USER and
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. This will remove all traces of SolidWorks on your
    system. If this do not work after you've installed SolidWorks again,
    then you need to send in a Solidworks Rx to your local reseller.
    martin.stub, Nov 28, 2005
  3. Dominic V

    Dominic V Guest

    Removed all registry entries and reinstalled, now I only have the part
    environment enabled!! I'm considering formatting the disk now, but
    this will be a *last* resort.
    Dominic V, Nov 29, 2005
  4. Dominic V

    John Layne Guest

    I would retry removing all entries for SolidWorks under
    John Layne, Nov 29, 2005
  5. Dominic V

    Brian Guest

    It used to be true that removing the standard 4 registry entries would
    result in a "clean" install of SW. However, I had something go awry while
    installing 2006, and, on the advice of my VAR we did a step-by-step revome
    ( including registry entries ), and a complete re-install ( 3 times ). On
    re-installing SW would report that it had "updated" my registration code,
    rather than asking for one. It was clear to both myself and my VAR that
    with 2006, SW has added additional registry entires.

    If it looks like you need to perform the nuclear option, and reformat,
    you might first try using the registry search tool and deleting all
    references to: SW, bluebeam, e-drawings, dasault systems, ect.. Last I
    looked, there were more than 20 entries associated with SW and add-ins.
    Obviously, this can really hose your registry if you are not careful. But,
    if reformatting is your only other option.... its worth a try and may save
    many hours of software installation, updating, ect.
    Brian, Nov 30, 2005
  6. Wayne Tiffany, Nov 30, 2005
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