drag-n-drop hatching from tool palette in acad2005

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Trey Monsour, Apr 14, 2004.

  1. Trey Monsour

    Trey Monsour Guest

    I've taken the time to make a tool palette for all of my hatches, which I
    thought was going to come in very handy... but there is one little kink I
    didn't forsee... It seems when dragging and dropping a hatch from the
    palette, it only wants me to select a single point on the screen to place
    the hatch (ie: select internal point)... But I always much prefer to select
    an object that is, in effect, the hatch boundary. Is there a way to do this,
    or are we stuck "placing" the hatch instead of being able to "select

    Thanks in advance ...

    Trey Monsour, Apr 14, 2004
  2. Trey Monsour

    Trey Monsour Guest

    OK... well, i guess nobody knows (or cares) about this other than me.
    From what I've been able to find out so far, it's not posiible.
    However, if anyone feels like figuring out a way, or has an idea that
    will accomplish this for me, please let me know. Thanks.
    Trey Monsour, Apr 19, 2004
  3. Trey Monsour

    B. W. Salt. Guest

    Can you not just add your hatch patterns to the Acad pattern file and use
    them as normal, or perhaps I'm missing something here :-(
    B. W. Salt., Apr 19, 2004
  4. Trey Monsour

    Trey Monsour Guest

    I have already added them to the acad.pat file, and can access them thru the
    normal bhatch command. What i had done though, was to drag (from the design
    center) each individual hatch to the command panel and from there you can
    drag and drop hatches into your drawing with predefined properties. IE: you
    can set multiple solid hatches on different layers that are all different
    levels of screening.. then you dont have to set a current layer to hatch
    to... you can just drag the hatch out and it's already done.

    The issue, however, is that when you drag a hatch from the design center you
    have the ability to right-click and choose to select objects to hatch as
    opposed to just specifying an internal point. I was hoping that you could
    do the same from the tool palette, but as it stands, you cant. You can only
    "place" a hatch from the palette, not pick an object to hatch.

    Seems that this is something for the wishlist - and i hope i'm not the only
    one that would like to see this added.
    Trey Monsour, Apr 19, 2004
  5. Trey Monsour

    B. W. Salt. Guest

    I see your point. Mine is R14, so I do not use the 'Design Centre'. It
    seems that a hatch pattern is being treated almost as if it's just another
    object, or block, under those circumstances.
    B. W. Salt., Apr 20, 2004
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