Drafting Fees

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Loyd Clayton, May 20, 2004.

  1. Loyd Clayton

    Loyd Clayton Guest

    I have been drafting here on Kauai for over 30 years. I have had my own
    drafting service for over 15 years. Used to draw by hand but have been using
    AutoCad for about 7 years (they had to fight to get me on it and now I can't
    imagine doing it any other way!).

    I am not an architech, just a draftsman. I work with an architech here on
    Kauai who reviews and stamps my drawings, or my customers can take the
    drawings to an architech of their choice.

    I am trying to get a feel for what type of fees to charge. I know, after
    being in business for so long, I should have this down by now. But I often
    get customers come to me who have previously been to less experienced
    draftsmen. They were not happy with the service and/or drawings and want me
    to re-do them. And these less experienced draftsmen are charging higher

    If you look at my webpage at www.royshomeplanningservice.com, you will see a
    list of my fees. I would appreciate any feedback on my fees. How are these
    fees in relation to what some of you may be charging? Are these overly


    Loyd Clayton, May 20, 2004
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