Draft anaylsis accuracy question?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, Nov 16, 2005.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest

    I have a molded part model that I've just finished. If I run a draft
    anaylsis on it with default settings it passes the test for 1.5

    If I set it to show gradual transistion and then zoom in on a couple of
    small faces it reports small draft that 1.5. If you run your mouse
    pointer over top of these areas the mouse flag shows the actual draft
    (from your neutral plane) in realtime. And I question these values as
    the report numbers that seem to be off by over 2-3 degrees. Even
    reporting negative draft where a drawing section view shows 0 or
    greater draft.

    Who do I trust?
    Zander, Nov 16, 2005

  2. Trust yourself. I haven't seen errors as big as you seem to be getting, but
    I have seen what seem to be errors of around half a degree or so. I would
    put some planes in the questionable areas that are parallel to your draft
    direction and roughly perpendicular to the part surface and generate some
    intersection curves, then check them visually.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 16, 2005
  3. Zander

    cadguru Guest

    Without looking at your model I have to make some assumptions. The only
    time I see this issue is when I have a surface that has a defined tangency
    or normal to an end condition. (could be created with lofts, sweeps,
    fillets, etc..)

    This is a very tiny area that is normally ignored in CAM. However if the
    area is large enough you can trim it out and fill it in (without the
    optimize) option. This will eliminate the "bad" geometry. (I usually go
    back and fix the geometry at the start)

    Normaly I only see "errors" at the surface connection or very close to it.
    If you crank your model accuracy up to the max tihs usually minimizes the
    areas in question.

    If you have an example model I could elaborate further.

    cadguru, Nov 16, 2005
  4. Zander

    Zander Guest

    One issue is that the draft anyalsis gives the green (or red) light to
    a face even if only a small part of that face is drafted as much as
    specificed. This is misleading and it should work the other way. ie.
    If any part of a face needs draft it should shade it appropriately.

    I had already done many section views in my check drawing of this area
    but I was surprised at how much discrepency there was from what the
    mouse-over value was when I ran the analysis with 'gradual transistion'
    enabled. Areas that are in the neighborhood of ..5 to .6 positive
    report -2 to -3 when I mouse over them.

    Also, manually checking draft can be tricking when splines result from
    plane intersection where sw wont dimension or even measure them.

    Zander, Nov 16, 2005
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