Dracula DRC

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by utech, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. utech

    utech Guest


    Does anyone still use dracula for DRC?

    I've got problem with DRC of pcells. it warns that pcell super master
    encountered, skipped.

    and there is info in the log:

    Fatal error detected, no data have been found.

    can you advice something?


    utech, Nov 21, 2007
  2. utech

    vlsidesign Guest

    I believe this post is supposed to be in sci.electronics.cad
    vlsidesign, Nov 27, 2007
  3. utech

    vlsidesign Guest

    I should say you may want to try and also post it there. Does Cadence
    still support Dracula, I thought they came out with a newer version
    called Vampire, but I don't think they got much traction there? I
    think most companies use Checkmate, Calibre or just use Assura. I
    haven't seen or used Dracula in a lot of years. Good luck.
    vlsidesign, Nov 27, 2007
  4. utech

    andrewb Guest

    Dracula is still fully supported by Cadence. Vampire came and went
    many years ago, so your information is not really very up to date!
    This is the right news group for Dracula.

    The most likely reason for this error is that you have pcells which
    are either using some function not allowed within pcells (i.e
    something which doesn't have the dd, db, cdf, rod or tech prefix.
    or isn't part of the core SKILL Language), or more likely a user
    defined function. If using some user defined function, those functions
    should be loaded in the pcell library's libInit.il and _not_ the
    ..cdsinit file. The reason being that only DFII loads the .cdsinit
    file, and other apps which read the database standalone (e.g. Dracula,
    Assura, pipo (stream in/out) etc) will then not see the definition of
    the user defined SKILL function, and consequently you may get pcell

    Or is it that you're trying to run Dracula with the top level being a
    pcell? If so, that doesn't really make sense - you need to have an
    instance of a pcell with a particular set of parameters and verify
    that - even if all the parameters are at their default values.


    andrewb, Nov 29, 2007
  5. utech

    vlsidesign Guest

    Thanks for update. I basically have only used Calibre and Assura for
    quite awhile.
    vlsidesign, Jan 3, 2008
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