Downloading parts for SW 2004, 2005, 2006 Compatability

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron Bacs, Jr., Apr 21, 2006.

  1. Hi,

    How is it possible to go to a manufactures site (3D Content Central, Carr
    Lane, Reid Tool, etc.) and download a part file in 2004, 2005, and 2006
    versions of SolidWorks (that are calculated on the fly)?

    We cannot save a file to lower versions but their version can? How is this
    possible when we can't do it?

    Maybe we could "launder" (or at least legally filter) our SolidWorks parts
    (or assembly) files thru such an online system (here is a possible $$$
    making opportunity too) to enable us to give those slow or cash strapped
    clients, shops etc. our drawings... you know the ones with older versions of
    SolidWorks that we can't give files to.

    What software is generating these "online" parts? I think it is SolidWorks
    or is it not???

    Aron Bacs, Jr., Apr 21, 2006
  2. Aron Bacs, Jr.

    Michael Guest

    have you considered the possibility that they've got all three versions
    saved, and just send you the one you asked for?
    Michael, Apr 21, 2006
  3. While that is possible, it seems it would get complex to do if you have
    various configurations of parts.

    It would seem that the user input would generate the proper part based on
    input params. and then the system can generate the proper parts. Like table
    driven part configs.

    Aron Bacs, Jr., Apr 21, 2006
  4. Aron Bacs, Jr.

    matt Guest

    Possibly they have a configurator application that can create parts in
    any version.
    matt, Apr 22, 2006
  5. Aron Bacs, Jr.

    Life in Mono Guest

    <<configurator application that can create parts in any version>>

    just think about it .......

    NO upgrade hassles (eg which sp is OK ?) as you can always go back.
    NO hassles dealing with other folk on other versions on solidworks.
    NO loss of feature tree when going back.

    <<PLEASE >>
    Life in Mono, Apr 22, 2006
  6. Aron Bacs, Jr.

    Jean Marc Guest

    I tried to analyse what was going on, on a CD I got, and came to the
    conclusion that they had written a script that generated the volumes on the
    fly. That was some time ago, and I believe I copied one of those scrips to
    look into it, but did not go farther.

    My .01 Eu

    Jean Marc, May 2, 2006
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