double click

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by caddog, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. caddog

    caddog Guest

    I would like to know how I can modify the commands that run when you double
    click on an object....... Instead of eattedit running when I double click on
    a block with attributes I would like to run attedit. Any ideas?
    caddog, Feb 23, 2005
  2. What happens when you type ED as a command alias?
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Feb 23, 2005
  3. What happens when you type ED as a command alias?

    You need to use your hand instead of the mouse. I can see a need to amend
    what comes up when you double click an object. Sometimes you just want to
    know what the name of a block is and when you double click it, instead of
    opening the properties box, you get the attedit box. Now you have to escape
    and type CH and select the block. Your upset because this marvelous
    customizing system AutoDesk has created is still not quite perfect.
    Will AutoDesk now give us this option?
    Mike Edmiston, Feb 23, 2005
  4. caddog

    doug k Guest

    check out periscope from

    i especially like the "peek" option. i park my cursor over an object, hit
    F5 (i customized F5 to run "peek") and periscope will list all of the
    object's pertinent data in a balloon window.

    doug k, Feb 23, 2005
  5. caddog

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    <<Will AutoDesk now give us this option? >>

    dunno, you'll have to ask them.
    OLD-CADaver, Feb 23, 2005
  6. How about leaving the PROPERTIES window open all the time and get a feel

    Takes up too much space on the Monitor, unless you're running Two Monitors.
    Truthfully, I use "CH" to open properties and I've modified a pulldown menu
    to Close Properties. Two key strokes and I have My information.
    Mike Edmiston, Feb 23, 2005
  7. caddog

    Dave Jones Guest

    right click on the little box in the lower left corner and select "autohide"
    and the Properties box will become a thin blue band when not in use. I don't
    even notice mine until it opens itself when I need it.
    Dave Jones, Feb 23, 2005
  8. right click on the little box in the lower left corner and select
    Again, not when your running ACAD 2k2. the autohide feature for Properties
    and Design Center is for 2k4 and 2k5.
    Mike Edmiston, Feb 24, 2005
  9. caddog

    Dave Byrnes Guest

    Ctrl+1 is quick as can be. Toggle it on, toggle it off.
    Dave Byrnes, Feb 24, 2005
  10. caddog

    Dave Jones Guest

    no way for me to know didn't indicate which Acad version you were
    using...People still actually use A2K2? :)
    Dave Jones, Feb 24, 2005
  11. caddog

    doug k Guest

    Does bubblecad support LDT and ADT objects? I remember trying it once and
    found it lacking, maybe that was it?

    Periscope does that "hover" thing too, but i turn it off. Peeking suits me
    better ;-)
    doug k, Feb 24, 2005
  12. caddog

    Allen Jessup Guest

    Google up MouseImp. I used it for a couple of versions until a'desk built in
    the auto feature.
    Allen Jessup, Feb 24, 2005
  13. caddog

    madcadd Guest

    Reply From: Dave Jones
    Date: Feb/23/05 - 20:02 (CST) NEW!
    Re: double click
    ...People still actually use A2K2? :)

    And R14 and are still content, thank you very much!!! Plus with a very recent addition of "DWGgateway", I am like a pig in wallow. And my co-worker Amy agrees! At least with the pig part. She loves me. ;o)
    madcadd, Feb 24, 2005
  14. ...People still actually use A2K2? :)

    We are getting ready to upgrade to ACAD 2k4. Been waiting for the (not so
    computer literate) Senior Architect to accept the change.
    Also, Some Jurisdictions, IE...Military, State of Calfironia Education
    department...will not accept any submittal drawing in versions other than
    R14 and Earlier. As a result of their inability to change, we still have
    some computers with R14 so we can make little corrections without having to
    export the file down to R14.
    Mike Edmiston, Feb 25, 2005
  15. caddog

    madcadd Guest

    Hi Mike,

    That means that you are currently on 2002 I presume with R14 still on board. That is also what we have here and we have our "save As" set to R14 which make it seamless to open from R14, 2000, 2000i or 2002. NEVER any need to SAVE DOWN to R14, it's automatic!

    However, when upgrade to 2004, that will no longer be the case. But you can set the 2004 to save as 2000 format, open and save once there and still have the R14 capibility. Figured I'd cross that bridge when we came to it.

    But I was just looking at some of the 2006 previews and like most of what I see. So maybe we'll end up all the way to the top. We'll see!
    madcadd, Mar 7, 2005
  16. caddog

    madcadd Guest

    Hi Tracy,

    I was just looking at and reading your BLOG and Lynn Allen's and others on 2006. I hope 2006 REALLY is as good as you and others seem to think.

    When 2004 and 2005 came out, I wasn't terribly impressed and recommended against upgrading. But 2006 sounds really nice and I will be looking at it as soon as I can and continue to read what you and others have to say.

    P.S. What does the acronym BLOG stand for?
    madcadd, Mar 7, 2005
  17. caddog

    kentium2000 Guest

    BLOG came from the words weB LOG, so it is not an acronym.
    kentium2000, Mar 7, 2005
  18. caddog

    madcadd Guest

    Thanx ken,

    weB LOG huh? Thanx!

    Oh yeah because there is only one B used from web, it does not qualify as an acronym, but that's a technical point, right. Acronym works for me anyway. FOMOCO, Desilu and Radio are true acronyms, but FBI, CIA and the like are not, yet people refer to them as such all the time.
    madcadd, Mar 7, 2005
  19. an acronym, but that's a technical point, right. Acronym works for me
    anyway. FOMOCO, Desilu and Radio are true acronyms, but FBI, CIA and the
    like are not, yet people refer to them as such all the time.

    Just always remember, racecar spelled backwards is racecar
    The Rebar Guy, Mar 8, 2005
  20. caddog

    Dave Cook Guest

    Now you have my curiosity up. If "radio" is an acronym, what does it stand for? Or did you mean "radar" (radio detection and ranging). And why are FBI and CIA not acronyms?

    Dave Cook, Mar 9, 2005
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