DotSoft Announces XL2CAD 2.0

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Terry W. Dotson, Jan 12, 2004.

  1. DotSoft announces the second release of their low cost Excel to
    CAD application.

    This release concentrated on bringing it inside AutoCAD (2000 and
    higher) and strengthening its abilities.

    First and foremost was the implementation of smart links. Now when
    you place a spreadsheet reference, it remembers the time created and
    the workbook used. When you reopen the drawing later, XL2CAD 2.0 will
    automatically update only those spreadsheets that have changed!

    Other improvements include:
    + Better support for borders, including Diagonal.
    + Better text placement support including Spillover, Indents
    and Center Across Selection.
    + Better scaling including control over font scaling and
    pad points.
    + Style overrides for normal, bold, italic, and bolditalic.
    + Ability to optionally draw Excel gridlines when borders
    are not used.
    + Ability to launch Excel with referenced spreadsheet open.
    + Added named ranges which allows users to add rows/cols to
    spreadsheet and have changes show on next update.
    + Added Shift characters override and shift point field.
    + Added Manager dialog with several options.

    See for details.
    Terry W. Dotson, Jan 12, 2004
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