dose anyone know of a vba trim

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by navi800, May 28, 2004.

  1. navi800

    navi800 Guest

    this is realy just a general question,

    dose anyone know of a vba trim routine (im writing one and i just want to
    know if its been done or not)

    navi800, May 28, 2004
  2. There's no TRIM capability in VBA or ActiveX. You can write your
    own, which while not too hard for things like lines and arcs, is
    not something I'd savor doing if the goal is to fully support all
    entity types supported by the TRIM command (e.g., splines, ellipses
    and polylines).

    One of the lesser-understood concepts of trimming and breaking an
    object, is object identity. What may not be obvious from the user's
    perpspective, is that trimming an object like a CIRCLE, causes that
    entity to be changed to an ARC (e.g., the resulting ARC has the same
    handle, object id, and extended data as the original CIRCLE). Making
    that happen is not possible in VBA or ActiveX, and can only be done
    using ObjectARX.

    If you're using and are limited to AutoCAD 2005, there is also the
    Managed .NET Wrappers for ObjectARX, which makes it somewhat easier,
    but requires fairly in-depth familiarity with ObjectARX classes.

    <sales pitch>

    For any release of AutoCAD, the AcadX ActiveX Extension library
    offers a Curve class that includes methods like Divide, Measure,
    and Break, the latter of which can be used to relatively easily
    TRIM any object that can be trimmed by the AutoCAD TRIM command.

    AcadX also has methods that allow you to exchange the identities
    of two objects (as per the CIRCLE->ARC example discussed above),
    so that you can emulate that aspect of the AutoCAD TRIM command
    as well, which is very important if your objects are referenced
    by other objects or external data, or if your objects have any
    kind of application data (xdata or xdictionary based) associated
    with them. Since AutoCAD itself routinely references objects for
    things like draworder, this aspect of operations that involve
    replacing one object with another, becomes much more important to
    those who are serious about robust AutoCAD development.

    Visit for more info.

    </sales pitch>
    Tony Tanzillo, May 28, 2004
  3. navi800

    JRWalker Guest

    Are you wanting user interaction or just to automatically trim some lines. I
    have done one that trims lines outside of an enclosed defined area but it
    was complicated. I had to create offsets from the original area and then
    define all of the intersections so I could pick the lines to trim. What
    direction are you going in?
    JRWalker, Jun 3, 2004
  4. navi800

    navi800 Guest

    well thanks to autocads wonderful uninstall program all the code I had done
    was trashed (deleted)
    but the method I am using is to define a region object then take that
    region's bounding box to select all the objects that cross it. then I find
    all the intersection points for each entity and edit the entities separately
    doing lines is easy what imp having issues with is arcs. I had something
    that would work properly if the arc length was less than 180 degrees but now
    its gone.

    I could really use some help in rebuilding
    navi800, Jun 3, 2004
  5. navi800

    Ed Jobe Guest

    Are you sure they were deleted? Did you search the drive for *.dvb? I seriously doubt the uninstall prog deleted them. It only know about files it installed. Even if you stored them in a folder under acad, the folder would not have been deleted. For example, an uninstall usually leaves the Support folder if the user had put any custom menus there.

    well thanks to autocads wonderful uninstall program all the code I had done
    was trashed (deleted)
    but the method I am using is to define a region object then take that
    region's bounding box to select all the objects that cross it. then I find
    all the intersection points for each entity and edit the entities separately
    doing lines is easy what imp having issues with is arcs. I had something
    that would work properly if the arc length was less than 180 degrees but now
    its gone.

    I could really use some help in rebuilding
    Ed Jobe, Jun 3, 2004
  6. navi800

    AKS Guest

    For what its worth, here is how I'm trimming arcs in something that
    either trims or breaks:

    ' Breakarc
    Private Sub BreakArc(arc As AcadArc)
    Dim pt1 As Variant
    Dim pt2 As Variant
    Dim Response As Variant
    Dim Arc1 As AcadArc, Arc2 As AcadArc, Arc3 As AcadArc
    Dim pt1a As Double
    Dim pt2a As Double
    Dim TempPt As Variant
    Dim ASA As Double
    Dim AEA As Double
    Const PI = 3.14159265359
    Dim Check As Boolean
    Dim GapAng As Double ' angle to achieve break gap if desired
    Dim ActSpace As AcadObject
    Select Case ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace
    Case acModelSpace
    Set ActSpace = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
    Case acPaperSpace
    Set ActSpace = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace
    End Select
    If ufBreak2Hidden.cboxGap Then
    GapAng = GapDist / arc.Radius
    End If
    Dim strPrmt As String
    If Not (IntMode) Then
    strPrmt = "Select first point on the arc :"
    strPrmt = "Select intersection breakpoint on the arc :"
    End If
    pt1 = ThisDrawing.GetPoint(, vbCr & strPrmt)
    Check = IsPointOnArc(pt1, arc, pt1a)
    If Not (Check) Then
    Response = MsgBox("The Point You Selected Does NOT Fall On
    The Arc. Try Again?", _
    vbYesNo, "Invalid Point Selection.")
    If Response = vbNo Then
    GoTo UserCAN
    End If
    End If
    Loop While Not (Check)
    If Not (IntMode) Then
    pt2 = ThisDrawing.GetPoint(, vbCr & "Select Second Point :")
    Check = IsPointOnArc(pt2, arc, pt2a)
    If Not (Check) Then
    Response = MsgBox("The Point You Selected Does NOT Fall On
    The Arc. Try Again?", _
    vbYesNo, "Invalid Point Selection.")
    If Response = vbNo Then
    GoTo UserCAN
    End If
    End If
    Check = IsPointOnArc(pt1, arc, pt2a) ' arc equiv pt2=pt1
    End If
    Loop While Not (Check)
    ' pts are on the arc at this point
    ASA = arc.StartAngle
    AEA = arc.EndAngle
    If AEA < ASA Then AEA = AEA + 2 * PI ' correct AEA if past xaxis
    ' conform order so that pt1 is closest to arc start
    ' this reduces the number of cases to four
    If (pt1a - ASA) < (pt2a - ASA) Then
    'don't swap
    Else ' swap point angles (points not needed anymore)
    TempPt = pt1a
    pt1a = pt2a
    pt2a = TempPt
    End If
    Select Case ArcCaseType(ASA, AEA, pt1a, pt2a)
    Case 1 ' points are within, arc breaks into three lines
    Set Arc1 = ActSpace.AddArc(arc.Center, arc.Radius, ASA,
    pt1a - GapAng)
    MatchEntSymb Arc1, arc
    Set Arc2 = ActSpace.AddArc(arc.Center, arc.Radius, pt2a +
    GapAng, AEA)
    MatchEntSymb Arc2, arc
    Case 2 ' pt1 = S, line breaks into two arcs, tail remains
    Set Arc2 = ActSpace.AddArc(arc.Center, arc.Radius, pt2a +
    GapAng, AEA)
    MatchEntSymb Arc2, arc
    Case 3 ' pt2 = E, line breaks into two arcs, head remains
    Set Arc1 = ActSpace.AddArc(arc.Center, arc.Radius, ASA,
    pt1a - GapAng)
    MatchEntSymb Arc1, arc
    Case 4 ' pt1= S, pt2= E, whole arc is replaced
    ' this is common to all cases
    End Select
    ' brkline is the same for all cases
    If Not (Me.cboxDelBrk) Then ' if trim don't make
    Set Arc3 = ActSpace.AddArc(arc.Center, arc.Radius, pt1a +
    GapAng, pt2a - GapAng)
    MakeEntHidSymb Arc3
    End If
    Set ActSpace = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    On Error GoTo 0
    arc.Highlight (False)
    Set ActSpace = Nothing
    End Sub

    ' returns true if pt is on arc, aslo returns a conformed point angle
    ' with respect to arc.
    Function IsPointOnArc(pt As Variant, arc As AcadArc, ptA As Double) As
    Dim ASA As Double
    Dim AEA As Double
    Const PI = 3.14159265359
    On Error GoTo Badpoint ' handles case where one right clicks
    If Abs(Dist(pt, arc.Center) - arc.Radius) > Res Then Exit Function
    'not on arc for sure
    ' establish arc character
    ASA = arc.StartAngle
    AEA = arc.EndAngle
    If AEA < ASA Then AEA = AEA + 2 * PI ' correct AEA if past
    ptA = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(arc.Center, pt)
    If ptA >= ASA And ptA <= AEA Then ' for sure on arc
    IsPointOnArc = True
    Else ' maybe still on arc
    If ptA < ASA And 2 * PI + ptA <= AEA Then ' on arc
    ptA = 2 * PI + ptA
    IsPointOnArc = True ' note: this also means pt is beyond
    End If
    End If
    Exit Function
    IsPointOnArc = False
    End Function

    ' returns arc break case type 1,2,3, or 4
    ' ASA and AEA are the arc start and end angles, pt1a and pt2a are the
    break pick angles
    ' type 1 - pt1 and pt2 are within the arc S to E
    ' type 2 - pt2 is within the line S to E, but pt1 = arc start
    ' type 3 - pt1 is within the line S to E, but pt2 = arc end
    ' type 4 - pt1 and pt2 are also S to E
    Function ArcCaseType(ASA As Double, AEA As Double, pt1a As Double,
    pt2a As Double) As Integer
    If ASA = pt1a Then 'either 2 or 4
    If AEA = pt2a Then
    ArcCaseType = 4
    ArcCaseType = 2
    End If
    Else ' either 1 or 3
    If AEA = pt2a Then
    ArcCaseType = 3
    ArcCaseType = 1
    End If
    End If
    End Function
    AKS, Jun 3, 2004
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