
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Marcel Janmaat, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. Van: "Marcel Janmaat" <>
    Onderwerp: dos_dwgpreview
    Datum: vrijdag 11 februari 2005 9:01

    I use (dos_dwgpreview title path-list [T]) to display a variëty of drawings.

    Only the drawingnames (including the path) are to long to display in the
    scrolarea on the left side.

    Can this be solved?

    This doesn't display the files;
    path-list = ("Sth-00000.dwg" "Sth-00100.dwg")
    This does;
    path-list = ("C:\\Program Files\\HCAD\\bib\\Sth-00000.dwg" "C:\\Program

    It would be neat if I could provide path-list = ("C:\\Program
    Files\\HCAD\\bib\\" "Sth-00000.dwg" "Sth-00100.dwg") using only the first
    item as path and displaying the remaining items as drawingnames.

    Haven't tried it, but my gues is it won't work.

    Has anybody an idea?

    Marcel Janmaat, Feb 11, 2005
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