I use (dos_dwgpreview title path-list [T]) to display a variëty of drawings. Only the drawingnames (including the path) are to long to display in the scrolarea on the left side. Can this be solved? This doesn't display the files; path-list = ("Sth-00000.dwg" "Sth-00100.dwg") This does; path-list = ("C:\Program Files\HCAD\bib\Sth-00000.dwg" "C:\Program Files\HCAD\bib\Sth-00100.dwg") It would be neat if I could provide path-list = ("C:\Program Files\HCAD\bib\" "Sth-00000.dwg" "Sth-00100.dwg") using only the first item as path and displaying the remaining items as drawingnames. Haven't tried it, but my gues is it won't work. Has anybody an idea? M