Door blocks

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by zac, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. zac

    zac Guest


    I'm using AutoCad 2004.

    I have a block of a door drawn on plan with an opening size of 1 unit
    so that When I insert the block in a drawing I can scale it up to suit
    the opening width and then extract the block's xscale to build a
    schedule of door sizes.
    Further, the block's polarity can be used to determine whether the
    door is left- or right-hand hung.

    I'd now like to incorporate an attribute that displays the current
    leaf-size on screen (and print), such that when the door is resized,
    the attribute updates automatically.

    I guess that Xanadu's Excellink might help me with this feature but I
    was wondering if anybody had any other (fairly simple and very cheap)
    ideas to help me achieve this.

    Any help greatly appreciated.

    zac, Sep 27, 2004
  2. The attributes BL:XSCALE (and BL:YSCALE) give you the current scale
    factor(s) of your insertion. Extract this atributes and you will get a list
    of all door sizes.

    Jürgen Palme, Sep 27, 2004
  3. I think I'm missing some posts in the thread, Jurgen.
    Has someone suggested that these attributes be added to the
    block, or are you?
    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 27, 2004
  4. OK, my posting was a little rudimentary. It should be: Add an attribut
    BL:XSCALE to the door block, then you can extract the scale factors.
    Thanks for the correction.

    Jürgen Palme, Sep 27, 2004
  5. Is there some way that acad automatically sets the block X scale to an
    attribute named "BL:XSCALE", etc.
    or will the OP have to enter this stuff manually? If the former, how and in
    what version?
    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 27, 2004
  6. Of course you can do this with some lines of LISP. (The DXF-codes 41, 42
    and 43 of an insertion give you the X-, Y- and Z- scale factor). So you
    don't need attributes.
    I guess you can write it yourself?

    Jürgen Palme, Sep 27, 2004
  7. Yes, I know how do get that info from entdata. (I'm not the OP.)
    My question was whether there was something special about the
    specific attribute name you gave that makes it behave like a reactor,
    i.e. it automatically takes the value of the scale factor.

    Tell me soon because the other villagers and I are building a large
    likeness of you out of straw and sticks down by the bank of the river... :
    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 27, 2004
  8. I don't know nothing about the internal program code of AutoCAD (only a
    little knowledge of LISP). The only I know is, that there are some
    predefined (built in) attribute tags beginning with bl:... (bl:level,
    bl:name, bl:x, -y, -z, bl:layer, bl:eek:rient and any more), which can be used
    to extract the properties of block insertions.


    Jürgen Palme, Sep 27, 2004
  9. Additional, to avoid a possibly misunderstanding: it's NOT necessary to
    include these bl:... attributes to a block definition. If the block includes
    at least one user defined attribute, the (e)attext command can read
    (extract) all the block insertion properties.

    Jürgen Palme, Sep 27, 2004
  10. Well, I didn't read the OPs question carefully. Now we are very Off Topic.
    To the OP: Yes, it should be possible with some lines of lisp (using
    reactors). I'd suggest to ask in the customization group at

    Jürgen Palme, Sep 28, 2004
  11. ....not THAT far really. Knowing what Jurgen just revealed, if bl:xscale
    could be made a visible attribute,
    you are basically there except for mirrored insertions where the value would
    be a negative number.
    You could then use a scheme like I did for years where I had a right-handed
    and a left-handed door block,
    sized at 1 unit.
    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 28, 2004
  12. This is facinating. I'll look into it. How far back was this the case?
    A(n obscure) reference to the "cargo cults" where technologically primitive
    come to deify technologically advance peoples, building likenesses of them
    from available materials and techniques. The meaning?

    You are a god if you can do this! ; )
    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 28, 2004
  13. I don't know if I understand your question right: These bl:... attributes
    are known AFAIK since Rel. 11 (sure), in older versions I don't know - that
    was deep in the prior millenium ;-).
    Thanks for the explanation
    This is a conclusion that is not acceptable ;-)

    But now let's finish here this off topic small talk. If you want a
    furthermore conversation send me an email (delete the CAPS in the adress)

    Jürgen Palme, Sep 28, 2004
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