"Don't ask me again" checkbox

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Seth, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. Seth

    Seth Guest

    When I save an assembly where the parts have changed, I would always
    get a prompt asking if I would like to save any changed referenced
    models as well. I appreciate that it asks me. There is however, a
    checkbox that you can check to prevent SW from asking you that
    question. Its called the "Don't ask me again" checkbox.

    Apparently at some point this checkbox got checked, because it no
    longer asks me this question. It will save any referenced documents
    automagicly, without asking.

    How can I get SW to ask me again?


    P.S. Been a while since I posted here. Started a new job as a product
    designer. All is well. Still doing some mold design on the side
    sometimes though.
    Seth, Nov 10, 2006
  2. Seth

    Zander Guest

    Hi Seth,

    It's funny I was just thinking about this last night (working late).
    2007 seems particularly bad for nuisance dialogues. When I go back to
    an assembly after changing a part seemingly half a dozen windows open
    on top of each other (looks very unprofessional btw).

    Did you notice that now when you uncheck one type of warning the other
    one becomes automatically selected?

    Also, I swear I've checked 'don't ask me again in this session' about
    'many several' times per session!

    I don't see the point of the 'you should really think about letting sw
    rebuild your part before you save it, so do you want to rebuild it? Do
    you? Ok, so are you sure you want ot rebuild it? Do you want to do it
    now? How bout now?'

    The answer in my case is always yes - so I would be happy to be able to
    permanently dismiss many of these dialogues.

    Zander, Nov 10, 2006
  3. Seth

    Muggs Guest

    Yeah, what I want is a "Yes,I know that if I want to make a copy I need
    to Save-As, so don't ever ask me this again. EVER!" button.
    And a "Yes I will always want to trim this way, and if I don't, I know
    how to change it" checkbox.

    Muggs, Nov 10, 2006
  4. Seth

    Zander Guest

    We should start a petition! I seriously think I could get rsi from
    all these 'are you sure?' questions.
    Zander, Nov 10, 2006
  5. Seth

    Seth Guest

    I agree that most of these "are you sure" type dialogs are annoying and
    I would like more control on whether they are shown or not (maybe time
    for an Enhancement Requests).

    In my case however I actually DO want the "do you want to save
    referenced documents" dialog to appear. I will always answer yes. Its
    just that with so many in context references and such, I want to know
    whether something did change or not. It does give you the control to
    do away with this dialog. But I have not found a way to turn it back


    Seth, Nov 10, 2006
  6. Seth

    kenneth Guest

    this must be new in 2007 as 2006 is only per "session".

    just guessing now, there is a checkbox under,
    tools>options>external references. perhaps your selecting the "don't ask
    again" prompt selected this option to be on.
    kenneth, Nov 10, 2006
  7. Seth

    Seth Guest

    No, this is in 2006... It doesn't, nor ever has given me the option to
    turn the "save referenced documents" warning off "per session". The
    only dialog that I get with that option is like when ctrl-tabbing to an
    assembly that needs rebuilding or something. You can turn that off
    "per session".

    But, your suggestion on the fix is the one I was looking for.... Must
    have missed it....

    Seth, Nov 10, 2006
  8. Seth

    Ed Guest

    You would have my vote on any petition along this line.


    Ed, Nov 12, 2006
  9. Seth

    John H Guest

    I used to use I-DEAS, where there were very few warning boxes popped up.
    What it did instead was write all the warnings to a "list window", which you
    kept an eye on whilst it was doing its business.

    The nice thing about that was that the information was retained for the
    session, and you could maximise the list window to view it better.
    Pretty much everything was written to it, including the results of any
    measurement commands - this was way better than the SWX measure, where you
    have to write down a series of values!

    John H
    John H, Nov 13, 2006
  10. Seth

    Zander Guest


    You can copy / paste the contents of the measure box, either into a dim
    modify dialogue or into something like a notepad file.

    Zander, Nov 13, 2006
  11. Seth

    technax Guest

    technax, Nov 14, 2006
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