Dome Flat Pattern

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Relz, Jan 20, 2006.

  1. Relz

    Relz Guest

    Is it possible to get a flat pattern layout for a dome 32" OD x 16" height
    broken into 16 segments and let's say 14 ga sheet steel? How would I go
    about making this pattern?


    Relz, Jan 20, 2006
  2. Relz

    CS Guest

    Wouldn't you have to have each of the 16 segments come to a point. I
    would suggest allowing a flat at the top. You could create a 16 sided
    polygon for the center and draw your bends and use a miter flange to
    finish the job.
    CS, Jan 20, 2006
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