Does VBA Consume Memory ???

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mcramer, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. mcramer

    mcramer Guest

    At the office, we have custom VBA routines running in the background of AutoCAD. I have a superfast machine but it takes longer to render files at work than at home. My PC at home is just a bit less powerful.

    Is it possible that VBA routines are consuming too much available memory for the AutoCAD process in Win2K Pro? How can you tell? If it's a problem, I'd like to document it and submit it to my task masters.

    mcramer, Jun 23, 2004
  2. I am not sure about rendering, but VBA and CPU cycles, especialy if you have
    the object modified event "hooked". For instanance, Audit that would
    take 30 seconds, might take 3 mins, because it triggers on every entity in
    your drawing.

    Be sure to disable or unload the dvb in these cases.

    - Ted

    AutoCAD. I have a superfast machine but it takes longer to render files at
    work than at home. My PC at home is just a bit less powerful.
    for the AutoCAD process in Win2K Pro? How can you tell? If it's a problem,
    I'd like to document it and submit it to my task masters.
    xxxTed Schaefer, Jun 23, 2004
  3. mcramer

    wivory Guest

    Well the short answer is "Yes, of course they consume memory."

    As does any program (be it AutoCAD, VBA, Notepad, Minesweeper...). Just how much the VBA's consume depends entirely on what they are doing.

    What you really need to do is determine if in fact it is the VBA routines that are the culprit causing the slowness or something else (and it could be a myriad of things). I don't know what these "background" VBA programs are doing, but your should temporarily "turn them off", reboot (just for good measure), and then time how long it takes compared to your home machine. And do make sure you're testing it on the same drawing(s) and actually using a stopwatch.

    Good luck

    Wayne Ivory
    IT Analyst Programmer
    Wespine Industries Pty Ltd
    wivory, Jun 24, 2004
  4. mcramer

    TomD Guest

    ......just wanted to chime in with another possible issue: Are your drives
    compressed at work and not at home?

    As Wayne is saying, there are many possible issues, not relating to the VBA
    apps. Could you possibly run the same VBA apps at home? This might
    eliminate them right off the bat as the cause of the apparent slow down.

    how much the VBA's consume depends entirely on what they are doing.
    that are the culprit causing the slowness or something else (and it could be
    a myriad of things). I don't know what these "background" VBA programs are
    doing, but your should temporarily "turn them off", reboot (just for good
    measure), and then time how long it takes compared to your home machine.
    And do make sure you're testing it on the same drawing(s) and actually using
    a stopwatch.
    TomD, Jun 24, 2004
  5. mcramer

    Yves Guest

    Anti Virus....?

    Yves, Jun 25, 2004
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