Does it make sense to....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Arthur Y-S, Oct 19, 2003.

  1. Arthur Y-S

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    Imagine that I have a cube 5"x5"x5" . I cut a hole though all, with a
    diameter of 3". I then go and extrude an circle, on same plane as the cut
    extrude and diameter (3"). But I extrude it out 6 inches. So that in the end
    I have a cube with a cylinder in the middle sticking out.

    Did I do an extra step in this process, if I never plan on showing the
    peices apart. Meaning is the "cut extrude" necessary or does SW not take it
    into account when it would come to say......weight of material?

    Arthur Y-S, Oct 19, 2003
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