Does dictionary exist?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Matt W, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. That object exposes the Layer States available to the user thru the Layer
    Manager dialog. See the SetDatabase method's example or Google here for

    So, unless I misunderstood your intent, you can save the current layer state
    to the LayerStateManager, and restore from there, either via code, or the
    Layer Manager dialog.

    R. Robert Bell

    Ahhh.... touché
    So tell me a little more about this layer states thing.
    Is it a reference to a DLL??
    How does it work and what is it exactly??
    Is it like the Snapshots in the layer manager??

    I support two teams: the Red Sox and whoever beats the Yankees.

    "R. Robert Bell" wrote in message
    | Well you *must* be confusing me with someone else, since I've only written
    | stuff to delete layer _filters_, not states… BwaHaHa!!!
    | --
    | R. Robert Bell
    | "Matt W" wrote in message
    | | I didn't know anything about it until right now. :)
    | Plus we have a tendency in this office to clean our drawings quite
    | frequently. There's a little program we use that will purge the drawing a
    | couple of times, run an audit and fix any errors that are found, remove
    | annonymous groups, and last but not least, it gets rid of those pesky
    | states that have a way of showing up in our drawings.
    | The layer state removal portion is pretty slick. Have you ever seen it
    | before??!?
    | I found it on the NG written by some guy... I can't remember his name...
    | Rell?? Robert something I think...
    | The name eludes me. ;)
    R. Robert Bell, Oct 13, 2004
  2. True...and I appreciate that the group tolerates my whining!

    However, I have vowed not to use that particular feature of Add again.
    Anyone care to watch over my shoulder from now on and hold me to it :)
    Bobby C. Jones, Oct 13, 2004
  3. <snicker>

    BTW, are you going to volunteer to push my wheelchair around at AU? I'm
    headed in for major knee surgery on the 28th, and am not looking forward to
    hiking the long trail to the conf center.

    R. Robert Bell

    "Bobby C. Jones" <bjones (at) beazer (dot) com> wrote in message
    True...and I appreciate that the group tolerates my whining!

    However, I have vowed not to use that particular feature of Add again.
    Anyone care to watch over my shoulder from now on and hold me to it :)
    R. Robert Bell, Oct 13, 2004
  4. Hmmm...I'll get you on Tuesday and half a day on Wednesday :)

    How the heck are you going to get up on the podium?!?! I don't seem to
    recall them having any ADA ramps...nor do I remember one to get up to the
    Boop, or whatever it's called now.
    Bobby C. Jones, Oct 13, 2004
  5. I'll crutch it there. But I *am* not going to crutch back-n-forth the long
    hallway! ;^)

    R. Robert Bell

    "Bobby C. Jones" <bjones (at) beazer (dot) com> wrote in message
    Hmmm...I'll get you on Tuesday and half a day on Wednesday :)

    How the heck are you going to get up on the podium?!?! I don't seem to
    recall them having any ADA ramps...nor do I remember one to get up to the
    Boop, or whatever it's called now.
    R. Robert Bell, Oct 13, 2004
  6. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    I'll have to look into the layerstatemanager.

    Thanks for the info and as always, it's much appreciated!

    I support two teams: the Red Sox and whoever beats the Yankees.

    | That object exposes the Layer States available to the user thru the Layer
    | Manager dialog. See the SetDatabase method's example or Google here for
    | samples.
    | So, unless I misunderstood your intent, you can save the current layer
    | to the LayerStateManager, and restore from there, either via code, or the
    | Layer Manager dialog.
    | --
    | R. Robert Bell
    | | Ahhh.... touché
    | So tell me a little more about this layer states thing.
    | Is it a reference to a DLL??
    | How does it work and what is it exactly??
    | Is it like the Snapshots in the layer manager??
    | --
    | I support two teams: the Red Sox and whoever beats the Yankees.
    | "R. Robert Bell" wrote in message
    | || Well you *must* be confusing me with someone else, since I've only
    || stuff to delete layer _filters_, not states… BwaHaHa!!!
    || --
    || R. Robert Bell
    || "Matt W" wrote in message
    || || I didn't know anything about it until right now. :)
    || Plus we have a tendency in this office to clean our drawings quite
    || frequently. There's a little program we use that will purge the drawing
    || couple of times, run an audit and fix any errors that are found, remove
    || annonymous groups, and last but not least, it gets rid of those pesky
    | layer
    || states that have a way of showing up in our drawings.
    || The layer state removal portion is pretty slick. Have you ever seen it
    || before??!?
    || I found it on the NG written by some guy... I can't remember his name...
    | Bob
    || Rell?? Robert something I think...
    || The name eludes me. ;)
    Matt W, Oct 13, 2004
  7. Matt...I think it's all over but the crying...Yankee doodle
    Paul Richardson, Oct 14, 2004
  8. Matt W

    Doug Broad Guest

    Hope things go well in your surgery Robert. How
    come your knees are bad? Been stomping too hard
    on bad ACAD practices? ;-)

    Ya'll have fun in Vegas.
    Doug Broad, Oct 16, 2004
  9. I blew it out playing basketball. Tore a chunk of cartilage off my bone
    about 2x3cm. Fought the insurance company for over a year to get this 3rd
    procedure (Carticel implant) done.

    Thanks for the wishes. Its gonna suck moving around in LV this year.

    R. Robert Bell

    Hope things go well in your surgery Robert. How
    come your knees are bad? Been stomping too hard
    on bad ACAD practices? ;-)

    Ya'll have fun in Vegas.
    R. Robert Bell, Oct 17, 2004
  10. Matt W

    Doug Broad Guest

    Sounds like I might be able to beat you in one-on-one this year. ;-)

    Hope things go well. Makes you think about ADA accessibility
    in a whole new way huh?
    Doug Broad, Oct 17, 2004
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