Does asdkunsupp2004 work in 2005

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by David Urban, Dec 2, 2004.

  1. David Urban

    David Urban Guest

    I have a program that uses asdkunsupp2004 and it does not seem to work
    in 2005. I worked perfectly in 2004. Is there an update?

    David Urban
    David Urban, Dec 2, 2004
  2. Hi David,

    The asdkUnsupp2004 sample was built to self-register in the ObjectDBX 2004 -16.0- section of the registry. Since you are using the object in 2005, AutoCAD looks in 16.1.

    To solve this, you can copy the entries in the ActiveXCLSID section pertaining to the AcDbWipeout object to ObjectDBX 16.1. The same solution would be required for AutoCAD 2006 with the 16.2 section. Attached is a .reg file which demonstrates this.

    Clayton Hotson, Feb 16, 2005
  3. David Urban

    krispy Guest

    Hi, where did you get the asdkunsupp2004 file?
    krispy, Feb 17, 2005
  4. David Urban

    David Urban Guest


    do a search on this news group for asdkunsupp200. It has been uploaded a
    few times. Check for a message by terry w. dotson on 7/22/2003.


    Thanks for the update it works great. will there be an update to the
    program to have it self register for 2005-2006?

    David Urban
    David Urban, Feb 18, 2005
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