Does anyone hate Camworks as much as I do?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Barna Madau, Jan 26, 2004.

  1. Barna Madau

    Barna Madau Guest

    What possible purpose does the copy machine RMB option have?

    I have a part that needs two mill setups, so I made a fixture that'll do
    both. I thought I could set up the parts in the fixture, use the copy
    machine feature or insert a 2nd setup, so I could contain both programs for
    each setup on one file but now it doesn't seem that will work. also, once
    you "copy machine" is there any stinking way to delete it and go back to one
    machine? It is driving me crazy.. thanks..
    Barna Madau, Jan 26, 2004
  2. Barna,

    Instead of using 'copy machine', just RMB from the features tab on an
    existing setup (other places work also) and select 'create new setup'.
    Both setups will show in the same file. This is for 'part' mode. There
    are a few differences when using 'assembly' mode, where you have to
    choose a line about which to rotate your part for the second setup.
    This is done using the two tabs labeled 'Setup' and '4th Axis' of the
    'Machine Parameters' dialog.

    Mostly, I have been quite happy with CamWorks.

    There is a little bit in CWX Help about 'copy machine'. I've never used
    'copy machine', so I don't know how to delete it. ......try selecting
    the second machine and hit 'Delete'?

    Jerry Forcier
    Jerry Forcier, Jan 27, 2004
  3. Barna Madau

    Barna Madau Guest

    I guess I was venting. For the kinds of parts we make, camworks has a lot
    of limitations. We almost always have to create sketches for toolpaths,
    because it never lets us grab part edges or geometry. Have you noticed that
    you can only grab edges if the are all on a flat plane? Try milling a
    feature on a curved or conical face. Almost all of our parts are like that.
    Extract machinable features never ever works except to destroy what we have
    programmed already. And more often than I would like, camworks insists that
    my part has changed and I need to update my program. I tell you, as god as
    my witness, I made NO change to my part, but every part I do, it does that,
    and deletes some of my defined machinable features off of the CW tab.
    Camworks is the only CAM package that I know, but another engineer here came
    from using unigraphics, I think. He goes on about how much better that was,
    especially doing 3 axis milling, which we do a fair amount of. Camworks
    insists that it machine faces that we select not to machine. Anyway, I'm

    as far as deleting the second machine, I can't. Nothing works. I'll just
    have to re-create the file. Thanks.
    Barna Madau, Jan 27, 2004
  4. Barna,

    Try using 'curve feature' .

    Don't rebuild unless you need to - it will use the default techdb
    information and you will loose some of you work.

    Jerry Forcier
    Jerry Forcier, Jan 27, 2004
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