documentation style

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by matt, Jul 9, 2006.

  1. matt

    matt Guest

    I've been reading though a lot of documentation recently, and notice a
    few things about how information is typically formatted. I'm usually
    looking for information formated as facts or lists of facts. I figure
    I'm bright enough to string the facts together into actions. Tutorials
    are nice, but they kind of show the "drive-by" version. They don't
    always talk about why you do this or that, you get a single perspective
    on what is usually a multi-functional tool.

    What do you find most useful? Do you want to know what the tools do, or
    do you just want to see some random example of them being used? Desk
    Reference or scripted tutorial? Several small, focused examples or one
    large example that covers a range of issues artificially linked together?

    I know, I'm asking the question in an unfair way, but I'd just like to
    hear a few arguments one way and the other for different types of
    documentation. Examples of what you think good stuff looks like would
    be helpful. I guess I'm talking about professional "stuff" rather than
    matt, Jul 9, 2006
  2. Ok, but what part of it do you leave out. If you want the unabridged
    version, it should say that the widget option can be started with the
    toolbar button, with the menu item, with the RMB option, or with the hotkey
    of Alt-W. The simple things are important to the beginner.

    I find tutorials good in that they show capabilities. They are good for
    step by step walking through for someone that doesn't know the
    functionality, and as quick reminders. Then I challenge people to go back
    and recreate the object without the book - can you do it? If not, go figure
    out what you missed.

    Personally, I find the SW Help to be quite good. It has lots of examples,
    good pictures, good hyperlinks, and just about everything that I want to
    find seems to be covered. And the API help is good in that it spells out
    all the parameters of a particular command, and a lot of the time, provides
    some kind of example. On the other hand the ACAD Help, in my opinion, is
    not as good. I'm sure part of it is that I don't know that software very
    well, but when I need to find something, I find it difficult at best.

    I also like the Microsoft style in that it gives you a chance for the simple
    version, and then you can expand on it. I can search the local Help, or let
    it expand to the Microsoft site for a bigger picture. However, I also turn
    all of my menus on full as a quick reminder of what's there - helps me
    expand my usage.

    I guess my choice would be that the Help would already know what level of
    info I am looking for, and provide that for me. If it can't do that, then
    more is better because it gives me the opportunity to dig as much as I need.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 12, 2006
  3. matt

    matt Guest


    Yes, it has been a real hot topic. Feels like shouting down a well. I
    should have said I had a mystical experience with some imagined bug or
    another, and I would have been flooded with responses.

    Anyway, thanks to you and Wayne for the responses. I'm finding that
    writers (or is it publishers) tend to speak using verbs when only nouns
    make sense. I'm not talking about SW documentation here, I'm talking
    about the big 1000 page plus "how to" software books.

    I've found in the past that when marketing people write marketing stuff,
    they write it for other marketing people, not for their audience. When
    lawyers talk, they don't talk to people, they talk to lawyers. Maybe
    tech writers are the same. Someone in a starched white shirt and corner
    office wants a book to feel active, so they fill it with action words
    and doing rather than well organized and dense information. It winds up
    making what in reality a very parallel set of data (lots of ways to do
    any one thing) into something extremely linear and one dimensional.

    Because of the size of some of these books, I'm imagining that the
    tendency of big corporations to completely misunderstand what
    individuals want is what's at play here.
    matt, Jul 12, 2006
  4. matt

    Art Woodbury Guest

    I much prefer factual info, with a list of options, limitations and exceptions for a given
    tool. Scripted tutorials don't do much for me -- I'm more interested in how a tool works and
    *why* I should pick this or that option.

    I want documentation to be like Keith Pedersen's presentations: lots of insight into what's
    going on behind the scenes.

    Art Woodbury, Jul 12, 2006
  5. OT a bit here, but not totally. If you want the *why* you need to come to
    the Kansas City Summit to hear my sheet metal presentation. The focus is
    centered on looking at the options and *why* you should choose a particular
    path vs. another path based on the info available.

    So, it's not off-topic for this thread because that appears to be the tone
    here - we want to know why something is proper, not just what button to
    push. That's also why I decided on that focus for the presentation.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 12, 2006
  6. matt

    matt Guest

    That's part of my gripe with contemporary documentation.
    Presentations like
    Contemporary documentation? Yeah, back in the '60s we had it so much

    I know what you're saying. I think the problem is that the people who
    write the documentation tend to be writers instead of engineers, which
    on some levels is a blessing because engineers are typically illiterate
    unless you're talking numbers and pictures.

    My biggest gripe is an example like multi-body solids or in-context
    design. A tutorial starts you at one end and waltzes you straight
    through to the other end. No side trips, no nothing. I would rather
    have a list of what the function is capable of, what its not, pros and
    cons and let me figure out how to push the buttons.

    I usually don't care *how* the thing works, figuring out how "should" be
    a matter of good interface design. I'm more interested in *why would I
    chose this instead of that* sort of information.
    matt, Jul 12, 2006
  7. matt

    ed_1001 Guest

    I've always gotten the impression that the documentation was poor on
    purpose. If it was too good, who would buy the training classes? SW
    has better documentation for the classes than what is available with
    the software, but you cannot buy it without the classes. It still
    isn't great, however.
    ed_1001, Jul 12, 2006
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