Documentation of custom code.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jeff_edwards, Oct 27, 2004.

  1. jeff_edwards

    jeff_edwards Guest

    A recent post discussed programmers creating custom code then moving on to another job. In doing so, the custom code became unusable as it was unsupported and unsupportable due to insufficiently documented.

    What form of documentation would be sufficient to ensure that my code will be supportable by my successor ?

    jeff_edwards, Oct 27, 2004
  2. jeff_edwards

    Tom Smith Guest

    IMHO, normal commenting ought to be sufficient ... meaning a header with
    description of the program's purpose and any necessary dependencies or
    assumptions, and a brief comment on all function definitions, e.g. arguments
    and return values. About like what the Acad-supplied lisps include. If the
    code is decently written it ought to be self-documenting. Unless you're
    building an elaborately complex system that needs explaining from a
    big-picture perspective, I don't see a need for documentation outside the
    program itself.

    You can't guarantee your successor's proficiency, and it's not your job to
    teach him or her lisp. If a reasonably adept person could make sense of your
    stuff, you've done all you can.

    I've left positions where everything I'd written was clearly documented, but
    it went out of use after a version or two, because they hadn't seen fit to
    hire anyone sufficiently knowledgeable to maintain it. That's their problem,
    I think.
    Tom Smith, Oct 27, 2004
  3. I like this question Jeff. I find myself writing code for my successor as
    much as for the users these days. I hope this brings out a lot of thoughts.
    Here's mine.

    In a perfect world, the best documented code has no comments. It's self
    documenting enough that comments only get in the way. Here is a translation
    of some recent code in that other newsgroup over there <pointing over
    there - > >

    (defun RotateNewlyCreatedEntities()

    (if (EntitiesWereCreated)

    Obviously in the real world you can't always write code that is as self
    evident as this short example and some comments are going to be necessary.
    But I find myself striving more and more to get away from comments. There
    are a myriad of ways to do this and just as many resources and opinions as
    to which are the best.

    Another form of documentation that I'm really just now starting to embrace
    is unit testing. I'm interested in hearing others experiences in this area

    Now at the application level, you are going to have to provide some
    documentation on the specifications of the application. What is the overall
    goal of the app? What is the expected input? What is the expected output?
    These and all other expectations must be documented.

    Anyway, great question. I hope this brings out the lurking gurus.
    Bobby C. Jones

    another job. In doing so, the custom code became unusable as it was
    unsupported and unsupportable due to insufficiently documented.
    be supportable by my successor ?
    Bobby C. Jones, Oct 27, 2004
  4. jeff_edwards

    David Kozina Guest


    Seems like you mentioned the new version of Code Complete a few days ago...

    IIRC, what the author recommended (in the first version - don't know about
    the latest) was to write pseudo-code to flesh out the program structure -
    somewhat vague at first, but after two or three refinements or so, as more
    detail is added, it gets to the point where 'it becomes easier to actually
    write code than explain what it does'. At which point that's what you do...
    ;comment the pseudocode, and insert the actual code.

    And so the documentation is there effortlessly...

    I've been doing this more, (though I probably start in with coding really
    before I ought to), and there is no one more surprised as I as to how much
    better documented my stuff has become. (So much so as to provoke some
    outcries from this group, but, hey, I'd rather things be as clear as
    possible, redundantly even, if need be, than scratching my head over some
    tricky bit of code wondering what dumb thing it does).

    My code ain't gonna win any awards - that I know - but I know its quality
    has improved.

    Another thing that can be done via TextPad or Interspector text editors is
    create self documenting code clip libraries that can give a leg up (speed
    and documentation-wise) via function blanks or templates, which I find very
    helpful, like these examples:

    ( ;
    ; begin
    ; end
    );_end defun

    );_end setq

    ; ...
    (if ;
    ; then
    ; else
    );_end if

    ; ...
    (while ;
    ; begin loop
    ; end loop
    );_end while

    Even just a few common ones seem to really improve consistency - one of the
    biggest battles I seem to face. Good function and variable names go along
    way too.

    Best regards,
    David Kozina
    David Kozina, Oct 27, 2004
  5. FWIW, I can't stand all of those 'end of' comments.

    ; end of setq
    ; end of defun


    IMO, makes the code very difficult to follow. I do
    agree that logical function/variable names do go a
    long, long way.
    Jason Piercey, Oct 27, 2004
  6. jeff_edwards

    Tom Smith Guest

    In a perfect world, the best documented code has no comments.

    Bobby, very well said. Your example illustrates an ancient rule of lisp
    style, that no single function ought to be more than about a half dozen
    lines long. It's perfectly clear and understandable at a glance, and
    assuming that each of the functions called is equally crisp, this program
    would be a cinch to maintain. Lisp lends itself well to this kind of
    pseudo-coding. In all but the simplest cases, I usually begin a program in
    just this way, starting with function "stubs" such as (defun
    EntitiesWereCreated () t) and then fleshing them out one at a time. It's a
    lot easier for me to grasp a complex routine if the "main" portion is
    designed in this way.
    Tom Smith, Oct 27, 2004
  7. jeff_edwards

    David Kozina Guest

    See what I mean?... <veg>
    David Kozina, Oct 27, 2004
  8. Hey David,
    Nice to talk to you again, it's been so long :)
    I actually tried to code with the pseudocode method as described in Code
    Complete. It did help me quite a bit, but I had a lot of trouble making it
    a habit. Since then I have found another similar method that I have been
    able to make into a habit. It's called coding by intention. It's the same
    theory as pseudocode, but instead of writing comments, you actually write

    In my short example, the first thing that I knew that needed to happen was
    that entities needed to be created. But instead of writing a pseudocode
    comment that said "Create entities here" or whatever, I went ahead and coded
    a call to a procedure that will sometime in the future create entities. The
    key is that the name of the procedure must be just as clear as a comment. I
    don't code the body of the entity creating procedure until I am done with
    the current procedure which could contain calls to any number of future, or
    existing, support procedures. More often than not I'll end up refactoring
    part of the code because I rarely get it right the first time.

    I can't say that I failed at the pseudocode method and succeeded at the
    coding by intent method because "It's better". I'd say that it had just as
    much to do with the fact that I already had experience in attempts to
    improve my code and something finally stuck. Although in the end I do
    prefer to read code than to read comments explaining the code.
    I hear you! The day that I stop learning to make my code quality better is
    the day that I stop coding. And if it's not, it should be.
    Anything to improve consistency is an improvement in my book :)

    As far as naming goes, I can actually feel my eyes glaze over every time I
    see code with short meaningless identifier names. They do this often as I
    maintain a lot of my own code that was written with very poor names :-(
    Bobby C. Jones, Oct 27, 2004
  9. Hi Tom,
    My own coding style has slowly evolved into just what you are describing.
    I'm very pleased with it so far. And it's not just limited to LISP. It's a
    proven method in multiple languages.

    Your example demonstrates a great point! For testing purposes it's a good
    idea to code a function so that initially it returns a valid value. This
    allows you to incrementally test your code. When I see good practices like
    this it helps to cement them in my mind, and I need all the help I can get!
    Thanks Tom.
    Bobby C. Jones, Oct 27, 2004
  10. jeff_edwards

    David Kozina Guest

    OK, Tom.

    Now this raises another question.

    I've heard this half-dozen line 'ancient rule' before and I either:
    1 - don't get it (most likely) OR
    2 - just can't see how it works in actual practice, without have a bajillion
    subroutines that do one little thing, used one time, in all your code -
    which seems (to me) to be overkill to the nth degree.

    Now, I've got a toolbox library (growing) of short, succinct, useful
    functions, that I use alot in my routines, and, where I can consolidate
    code, I try to do so - but I seem to always find that more is needed - much
    much more, than just stringing the toolbox functions together to do what I

    I see the value in function 'stubs', and I really like your suggestions -
    but again, I usually just can't seem to get things down to 6 lines (nor even
    a dozen) - even by removing my 'superfluous' comments ;)

    And I don't think my routines are that 'tricky'/complex either.
    But I can't seem to break things down further, without having a giant set of
    one-off argument saturated functions that give me a headache just thinking
    about what variable I forgot to include/set/return.

    Perhaps I'm just too linear (or, actually, rotund). Is that so wrong?

    Best regards,
    David Kozina
    David Kozina, Oct 27, 2004
  11. jeff_edwards

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Tom

    All what you need is a well described header to a function. The rest must be
    self explaining.
    ; -- VxGetShortName
    ; Returns the short path/name used by programs that require the earlier 8.3
    ; file naming convention.
    ; Copyright:
    ;   ©2004 MENZI ENGINEERING GmbH, Switzerland
    ; Arguments [Typ]:
    ;   Fil = Filename "C:\\Program Files\\ScrapFolder\\ScrapInit.dll" [STR]
    ; Return [Typ]:
    ;   > Short path/name [STR]
    ;   > False if file doesn't exist
    ; Notes:
    ;   - Requires ScrRun.dll.
    (defun VxGetShortName (Fil / FilObj FilSys RetVal)
    (setq FilSys (vlax-create-object "Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    RetVal (cond
    ((= (vlax-invoke FilSys 'FileExists Fil) 0) nil)
    ((setq FilObj (vlax-invoke FilSys 'GetFile Fil))
    (vlax-get FilObj 'ShortPath)
    (T nil)
    (if FilObj (vlax-release-object FilObj))
    (vlax-release-object FilSys)
    Jürg Menzi, Oct 27, 2004
  12. jeff_edwards

    Tom Smith Guest

    Hi Jürg, I agree, that's a very good example of a function header. It
    documents the dll dependency and gives all necessary information in a
    concise way. If any global variables that are set by the function, those
    would be noted also.

    Personally I don't do much in-line commenting unless I think it's really
    needed for clarity. Like Jason, I dislike the unnecessary ";end of setq"
    type comments.
    Tom Smith, Oct 27, 2004
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