Documentation Generator for SKILL

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by eyn, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. eyn

    eyn Guest

    Does anyone know any good documentation generator tool for SKILL? I am
    planning to add documentations to SKILL functions I have developed but
    so far none of the doc generator listed on this Wikipedia page (http:// supports
    SKILL as far as I know.

    Any feedback and comments will be appreciated.
    eyn, Oct 28, 2008
  2. I know of none. In the page you reference, 5 or so are said to be able to
    handle any language with comments. You could try and see what they

    Jean-Marc Bourguet, Oct 29, 2008
  3. eyn

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi There,

    there was some discussion about this point a little while back, please
    look at this link.

    There is something I would like to add on top of what I have said in
    the attached post, that's what I have leaned over my past experiences.
    Most of the people I knew writing Skill are from an electronic design
    background (I have got a degree in microelectronics myself). The main
    concern for such people is to write something that works, no matter
    the style or the beauty of the code itself. That's really a different
    approach from a Software engineer. Documenting a Skill code for an IC
    designer is actually the last milestone we never reach :)
    Personally I would have thought POD as a great thing to support with
    Skill. Meanwhile, I just stick on that phrase from Dick Brandon (I
    found it in my Perl Best practices book, chapter 7): "Documentation is
    like sex: when it's good, it's very, very good; and when it's bad,
    it's still better than nothing"


    PS: I do apologize for people who might find any offend reading the
    Dick's Brandon phrase I have reported above.
    Riad KACED, Oct 29, 2008
  4. eyn

    satya Guest

    I use awk in a shell script to extract documentation (only works for
    lisp syntax) and create a finder database. Perhaps you could adapt it
    to your purpose. Something like POD or reStructuredText would probably
    allow to generate HTML, pdf etc with good formatting.


    MYDIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
    for file in *.il; do
    gawk -f- <<'EOF_AWK' $file >>$FINDER_DB_FILE
    /^[[:space:]]$/ { next };

    !/^[[:space:]]*;/ { if(quoteOpen) print "\")"; quoteOpen=0};

    if(quoteOpen) {
    gsub(/[[:space:]]*;+/, "");
    gsub(/"/, "\\\"");

    /^[[:space:]]*\((defun|defmacro|[nm]?procedure)/ {
    gsub(/"/, "\\\"");
    print "(\"" $2 "\""; print "\"" substr($0, index($0, $2)) "\"";
    printf "\"";
    quoteOpen = 1;

    END {if(quoteOpen) print "\")"};
    satya, Oct 29, 2008
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