Document Security

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by greg.johnson, Nov 1, 2006.

  1. greg.johnson

    greg.johnson Guest

    After I release a design to manufacturing my design goes to our CNC
    programmers. Since they use CAMWorks they have read/write permissions
    to the released design. In doing their work they make several changes
    to the files that make it very difficult to revise the design. The
    engineering department does not like the changes they make to the

    How do others handle this situation?

    My thought is that the CNC programmer should only have read permissions
    to released designs. But since their program is written on top of
    SolidWorks I'm not sure this will work for them.

    Any suggestions will be appreciated.
    greg.johnson, Nov 1, 2006
  2. How about having the CNC changes made in a different configuration?
    Jeff Mirisola, Nov 1, 2006
  3. greg.johnson

    Art Woodbury Guest>,
    Send them a Parasolid file and tell them if they need some
    changes, the changes will be made by engineering. Then send
    them another Parasolid. :)

    This keeps manufacturing out of the design/documentation
    loop, except for design reviews, when you probably want
    their input.
    Art Woodbury, Nov 1, 2006
  4. greg.johnson

    Cliff Guest

    Use layers & set (and enforce) some standards.
    They should be able to use a set of layers of their own for geometry
    that thay add or (think that they) need to copy & modify.
    They should have absolutely no need to modify the original design
    geometry in any way ... IF it's a good design.
    They probably should be working with their own copies of the part
    databases and you should have a mechanism to check the original
    design geometry & resultant files against their work before accepting
    the finished result as an official file. Nothng that was in the original
    should have been modified .. just data added on other layers & to the
    Naturally, design must follow similar standards of their own.

    It's a bit handy to add the layering and any other CAD or CAM
    standards as notes/text to one otherwise blank layer for future
    documentation needs.
    Cliff, Nov 2, 2006
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