Document Security

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by dlokes, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. dlokes

    dlokes Guest

    I'm looking for a solution to the problem of employee theft of intellectual property. Specifically, How can I prevent my own employees from sharing my company's CAD files with my competition?

    I've seen in other industries the practice of creating an "OEM" version of the application that will save only a unique format of the files created thereby requiring anyone opening the file to own a license to that OEM-version of the software. Further, use of the software license is then controlled through use of a hardware key.

    Has anyone successfully solved this problem with AutoCAD?
    dlokes, Apr 28, 2004
  2. dlokes

    Walt Engle Guest

    One answer is to make certain the computers are not on the internet; disable drive A and/or any CDRW drives. I would be interested in other answers too.
    Walt Engle, Apr 28, 2004
  3. dlokes

    bcoward Guest


    I am deriving that your problem is with you Lisp stuff being extracated out the door. If you incorporate the use of DCL and dvb's with userforms I'll explain one solution that has been successfully imployed. This solution also solves any licensing issues by users putting invalid controls on a userform.

    We develop VB ActiveX dlls of all the forms needed for an infrastruture. Then rewrite the Lisp stuff to call out to the dll form methods and properties.

    This has been very effective. Hope this helps.


    Bob Coward
    CADS, Inc.

    bcoward, Apr 28, 2004
  4. dlokes

    Anne Brown Guest

    dlokes -

    You have answers scattered to your cross posted message through
    out the discussion groups. Please limit future posts to one group
    picked out of the index at You have also been
    referenced to the CAD Managers group where this is an often
    discussed topic.
    Anne Brown, Apr 28, 2004
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