Document Properties

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by kenneth b, Jan 8, 2004.

  1. kenneth b

    kenneth b Guest

    is there a method/undocumented trick to reload document properties? if not,
    sure would be nice. it's a real pita to have to change all the annotation
    fonts, arrow sizes, etc. for each drawing.
    kenneth b, Jan 8, 2004
  2. kenneth b

    neil Guest

    you need to set up and save some templates for your own purposes- see the SW
    help section- then you just need to choose an appropriate one when you open
    a new part,assy or dwg. you can add your own tabs too.
    neil, Jan 8, 2004
  3. kenneth b

    kenneth b Guest

    thx ... but let me add a little more detail.

    lets say i already have templates and have numerous drawings based on a
    particular template. we may, from time to time, make minor adjustments to
    font type/size, arrow sizes, balloon styles, dimension sizes etc. these
    changes are incorporated into our template(s). revision changes are an
    ideal time to change/update these document properties. the sheet properties
    can be reloaded but not the document properties, seems like an oversight or
    have i missed something somewhere?
    kenneth b, Jan 8, 2004
  4. kenneth b

    neil Guest

    I see now ...I have never had to do that in any major way for numerous dwgs.
    as far as I can see there isn't a way to do that directly as in a reload
    I would be interested to find out myself-certainly could be useful
    neil, Jan 8, 2004
  5. You may be able to set up some annotation and dimension favorites. I
    believe this would allow you to set up some different styles and then apply
    them as need to various drawings. You can window or control select
    dimensions, annotations, etc and apply a favorite to many selections at one

    Just a thought??
    Rob Rodriguez, Jan 8, 2004
  6. kenneth b

    Arlin Guest

    Here is exactly what you want:

    Just grab the 'Copy Drawing Options.' It appears this utility has not
    yet been updated for 2004... you can update it yourself, but I am unsure
    how much work that would really be.

    This is actually an Excel Spreadsheet that uses an Excel macro to
    capture, store, and set the options in SWX documents (also does SWX
    system options).

    From the Help:
    1. In SolidWorks, open a document where all options are correct.

    2. Activate the corresponding excel sheet (CopyDrwOption for drawings,
    CopyPrtOption for parts and CopyAsmOption for assemblies). If you want
    to copy system options chose CopySystemoption

    3. Click on the command button called "Hole Optionen (get options)". Now
    all document options are read from the active document an their value is
    stored in column D of the Excel sheet.

    4. Backup the drawing where you want to change the options (just to be

    5. Open and activate the document with the wrong options.

    6. Click on the command button labeled "Setze Optionen (set options)".
    Now all options are set in the active document unless in the first row
    "Übernehmen" is a value lower than 0. The column E indicates the
    success (or failure) of this action.

    7. You may also save the excel sheet with your correct options, so you
    don't need to gather the options over and over again.
    Arlin, Jan 8, 2004
  7. Hopefully I will get the updated version out this weekend,
    I wanted to wait for SP2, but looks like it may take another
    day or two fpr SP2 to hit the street ;)

    Stefan Berlitz, Jan 8, 2004
  8. kenneth b

    kenneth b Guest

    excellent, works great.
    i look forward to using the updated version.
    kenneth b, Jan 8, 2004
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