Document Option

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Alvin Leung, Jan 13, 2005.

  1. Alvin Leung

    Alvin Leung Guest

    Is any method or API program can copy document option from one parts
    file to another one parts file. Thanks.

    Alvin Leung
    Alvin Leung, Jan 13, 2005
  2. Alvin Leung

    Seth Renigar Guest


    There is an Excel file that I downloaded a while back that will do exactly
    what you are after. I got it from or This appears to be a German site so it is not in
    English. However the Excel file is bilingual.

    Basically you click a button within the Excel file and it will "suck" all
    document options from the active SW document into it. Then you switch to
    another SW document and press another button within the Excel file, and all
    of the options from the previous file are put into it. This can be done
    with parts, assemblies, and drawings.

    It works great! I haven't used it in a while, but I tend to remember that
    it could mess up the colors somehow when using it within a part (not sure).

    If you have problem navigating the website to find it, let me know. I will
    send it to you. Why re-invent the wheel when it already exists???
    Seth Renigar, Jan 13, 2005
  3. Alvin Leung

    whit Guest

    whit, Jan 13, 2005
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