Document fonts

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. We had something happen this past weekend that caused something to change in
    SW. I was working on some drawings as of Friday night. Come Monday
    morning, when I printed the next drawing I noticed that they printed
    differently, as in the info in the title block was a different font. I
    thought maybe that one drawing was screwed up, but when I checked to see
    what font was called out, I found the font name box empty - no font called
    out. I also checked the last drawing I had printed Friday night and it also
    printed differently from the week before.

    Long story short, I tried SW2007, SW2006, 3 different machines, old
    templates, new templates, SWRx starting with no options, etc. No difference
    found anywhere - I still have missing fonts. Has anyone seen anything like
    this before?

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 24, 2007
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    Bo Guest

    Are the fonts actually in the Windows/Fonts folder?

    Bo, Jan 24, 2007
  3. Wayne Tiffany

    TOP Guest


    What do your Regional Settings look like? Have they in any way been

    TOP, Jan 24, 2007
  4. Wayne Tiffany

    ms Guest

    I have some idiots in my "design services group" that seem to think it is
    very important to change from the default swks font and sizes to something
    kinda bizarre for drawings like Arial Narrow Bold. These guys really suck.
    Maybe you have some idiots like this in your company?
    ms, Jan 24, 2007
  5. Ok, a bit more info on this.

    We have a laptop that is right now at a car plant so it didn't get the
    weekend's updates that we all got here. I called that guy and had him open
    our basic B-landscape drawing template. I did the same here at the same
    time. He could see that the title block notes had a RomanD font called
    out - I see an empty box where that name should be. The bold or normal, and
    the pitch are there in mine, and match his, it's just the name of the font
    that's missing.

    Once I knew what the font used to be, I wondered if maybe that font was
    deleted on my machine here. Nope, shows up in the Control Panel Fonts list
    with the same names/attributes as his copy. One could also question whether
    the template had changed, but I don't think so. I have the write rights to
    that folder area (other than the IT boys) and I didn't change it, nor did
    they, and the file date hasn't changed.

    Then I went back to the template that I still had open, one more time
    checked the font that was tied to the note, and it was there! As in works

    So, when I checked my fonts Monday, I checked not by going to Control Panel
    the normal way, but I have a shortcut in my QuickLaunch area such that I can
    get a fly-out list for Control Panel. Apparently looking at the list this
    way does not repopulate the list of available fonts as happens when you go
    the traditional route from the Start menu.

    To finish this investigation, the laptop will be updated tomorrow morning
    when it arrives. We will do one update at a time and check for the font
    loss after each step. I'll report the findings.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 24, 2007
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