Docking toolbars in custom order

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by hoenes1, Sep 21, 2005.

  1. hoenes1

    hoenes1 Guest

    Hi all,

    When I dock a toolbar to the top, for example row 2, position 3,
    reading the toolbars' left, top and dockstatus properties yields
    left=2, top=1 and dockstatus=0 (acToolbarDockTop). This perfectly makes
    sense assuming the left and top properties define the toolbar position
    in the "2-dimensional toolbar-array" in this case. On application
    unload, I save the left, top, dockstatus values of the toolbar to the
    registry. When I load my application in the next AutoCAD session, I
    assign these saved values to the toolbar:


    However, put_DockStatus() seems to reset the left and top values to 0
    (reading left and top after put_DockStatus() yields left=0, top=0) and
    dock the toolbar to the top-leftmost corner. This behaviour is true for
    each DockStatus except floating (which works perfectly fine).
    Ideas or workarounds anyone? Or is it a (more or less unsolicited)
    customization restriction?

    Thanks in advance!

    P.S.: AutoCAD 2004, ObjectARX 2004
    hoenes1, Sep 21, 2005
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