Dockable Form

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by CuJo, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. CuJo

    CuJo Guest

    I am hoping that someone with much more experience than I has a work around for my issue with account.arx and dockable forms. I am able to create my control (five combo boxes and a command button) and use account.arx to dock it successfully, well sort of. The problem I am running into is when I use the drop down on the combo box and then move the mouse cursor to the list the dockable form loses the focus.

    Just so it is understood I have a very small (narrow) form. It is about the size of a standard toolbar so the combo box drop down hangs over/below the form. I have tested the control with IE and it works without a hitch. I have tested the control undocked and it works without a hitch.

    What I need to know is this "bug" and issue with account.arx and if so does anyone know how to contact the code's author Jorge Lopez or is it an issue in AutoCAD itself?

    Lastly has anyone else experienced this and if so did you find a work around?

    CuJo, Mar 3, 2005
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