do *NOT* install sp4.0 or sp4.1 (if you haven't yet)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Gianni Rondinini, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. hi all.

    remember my post about relations being broken by saving in swx2004sp4?
    after couple of weeks talking about and working on it, i've been told
    by my var that it is due to a bug in sp4, that still remain in sp4.1,
    because the latest sp it was released just before they contacted
    people at swx r&d.

    then, we can now be *sure* the problem was due to that, then i
    strongly suggest you not to install sp4 because you may encounter the
    same problem we had.

    people at swx told us that it's quite strange nobody reported this
    problem earlier than we did, but that they were easily able to
    reproduce same situation and problem, then it *has* to be related to

    i'll summarize quickly for all of you that didn't read my previous
    post: when in 2004sp4 you save an assembly, part/all of relations
    between parts get corrupted because the system "looses" faces/edges on
    which relations rely.

    people at swx said that they started working immediately on this
    problem to fix it and they'll release a new service pack/patch to fix

    hope this helps.

    just my 2eurocent.

    Gianni Rondinini, Jul 22, 2004
  2. Gianni Rondinini

    kenneth b Guest

    i've been using 4.0 since it came out, and do not have mate issues
    kenneth b, Jul 22, 2004
  3. Gianni Rondinini

    Scott Guest

    Sorry to see your having problems with SP4.0 and 4.1.

    I personally have not seen this issue. I hope they get a fix for you soon

    Scott, Jul 22, 2004
  4. Gianni Rondinini

    Sporkman Guest

    Doesn't refer to mates, Mate. As Gianni pointed out, you much see his
    original post. That post's subject was "swx2004sp4 cannot resolve
    relations if i change part's size".

    Sporkman, Jul 22, 2004
  5. I installed SP4 and SP4.1 and haven't seen any of these problems either.

    Richard Charney, Jul 22, 2004
  6. Gianni Rondinini

    pete Guest

    2004 Professional sp3.0

    I had this problem with faces "changing" on parts that are put into
    assembly1, then this assembly1, is inserted into assembly2.

    The reason, was the due to the way that the hole wizard holes, were

    This was drawn by my work partner.

    Old "BLOCK A"

    1, Draw a sketch, 100mm x 100mm, extrude midway ,40mm, Show sketch.

    2, Select the right hand face, select the hole wizard and put two holes on
    this face 20mm from the front edge, 60mm apart and constrained, using the
    extrude1 sketch and horizontal constraint between the two holes.

    The two holes are constrained central between the top face and the bottom
    face, and also too the extrude1 sketch and the right face.

    This "Old BLOCK A" was inserted into assembly1, then assembly1, was inserted
    into assembly2.
    A new part was inserted into assembly2, and a coincident mate was applied
    between "Old BLOCK A", right face( face2), and any face on the new part.

    This caused the "Old BLOCK A", face2, to change, to face3, whilst in the
    second assembly, which in turn caused multiple mate errors in both
    assemblies. There is 315 parts in total.

    New "BLOCK A"

    1, Draw a sketch, 100mm x 100mm, extrude midway ,40mm.

    2, Draw a construction line, on the right hand face, from the front face
    edge, to the back face edge. either use the midpoint automatic constraints
    or constrain 20mm down from the top face edge.

    2, Select the right hand face, select the hole wizard and put two holes on
    this face 20mm from the front edge, 60mm apart and constrained, using the
    construction line.

    This "New BLOCK A" was inserted into assembly1, then assembly1, was inserted
    into assembly2.
    A new part was inserted into assembly2, and a coincident mate was applied
    between "New BLOCK A", right face( face2), and any face on the new part.

    No mate faults anywhere.

    This was a repeatable fault, which I repeated 5 times, whilst my VAR, was
    listening on the phone to my procedure.
    I am going to use the "Var can control my screen" service tomorrow morning
    and will let you know what happens.
    pete, Jul 22, 2004
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