Do I need a post-script plotter?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Andy, Feb 16, 2005.

  1. Andy

    Andy Guest

    I'm currently trying to educate myself on the bonuses of post-script. We
    are looking to upgrade our inkjet. We currently have no post script
    printers in my office so I'm quite unfamilliar with them. Any insight would
    be appriciated.

    We generally use our inkjet for recorded plans 80% of the time. However,
    more and more, we are doing color presentation plans, and printing PDFs for
    clients. Often my PDF prints do not print with proper borders, and
    sometimes things are cut off. (Currently have an Oce TDS-600 and HP 750c)

    I want the ability to print .tiff's, jpegs, .plt and everything else under
    the moon with the greatest of ease. Currently considering the HP800ps.
    Andy, Feb 16, 2005
  2. Andy

    Rick Moore Guest

    We have an HP 1055CM. It will not print large graphics without using the
    PostScript driver, so I definitely recommend going that route. Don't know
    anything about the newer models, though.


    Rick Moore
    Barnes Gromatzky Kosarek Architects
    Rick Moore, Feb 16, 2005
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