DJ430 Acad vs windows driver

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by TCEBob, Jul 3, 2004.

  1. TCEBob

    TCEBob Guest

    We send quite a few plt files to a print shop and use the 430 mainly for
    in-house review plots. The shop uses an industrial-grade oce for plotting and
    copying and has the software needed to accept the HPGL.

    When I make a plt file using the Windows driver the results are unusable.
    Viewing it with the View Companion is almost hopeless as a zoom in locks the
    program. When the shop attempts to plot it the image comes up negative. It does
    plot ok to the 430.

    Using the Acad driver produces splendid results at the shop. In the office it's
    ok, but the file size is about twice as large and it takes a long time to send
    it over to the plotter. I have gotten into the habit of caching "in computer,"
    even tho the software warns that it might take longer. The in computer option
    saves all the time of transferring to plotter memory so plots are made much
    faster. However, the windows driver doesn't have an in computer option that I
    can find.

    I'm running XP Pro on a P-4. The Windows driver is ver. 4.65 and dates to 1995,
    which seems quite dated but I just downloaded it last week.

    I hope I'm doing something wrong and someone will set me straight.

    TCEBob, Jul 3, 2004
  2. TCEBob

    Tim Scully Guest

    The newer HP drivers have renamed the "Process in COmputer" option to "
    Avoid out of Memory" under "Document Processing" on the Advanced tab of
    custom properties.
    Tim Scully, Jul 19, 2004
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