divide by zero

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by bedoune, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. bedoune

    bedoune Guest


    I'm trying to develop a pcell.
    I have an expression like:
    if(n>>1 then
    tmp = foo/(n-1))

    When compiling, i have an error message:
    *Error* quotient: Attempted to divide by zero - (0.0 0)

    how to solve this problem ?

    Thanks ^^
    bedoune, Feb 14, 2008
  2. Don't right shift n by one, but do a comparison to check it's greater than 1.

    You probably meant:

    if(n>1 then

    Andrew Beckett, Feb 14, 2008
  3. bedoune

    bedoune Guest

    ok, i was not aware about this (i'm a beginner in skill development)

    Thanks a lot for your help ! ^^v
    bedoune, Feb 15, 2008
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