DIVA Rules Question

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by camelot, May 24, 2005.

  1. camelot

    camelot Guest

    I'm writing some code in DIVA with Opus 4.4.6.
    Does someone knows if there is a fast way to take all the area of the
    layout that do not contains shapes and save it in a derived layer? I
    need it for tracking the empty spaces left on the layout design. I
    would like to avoid defining all the technology layers, merges and
    process them as usually.

    Thank for suggestions.

    camelot, May 24, 2005
  2. The only automated processes similar to that are the checkLayer and
    checkAllLayers commands, which use technology file information to
    generate a series of one and two layer sep, width, notch, overlap and
    enclosure checks.

    What you ask for sounds similar to area fill, but the commands for that
    are not available in any 4.4.6 release. May I point out that you really
    need to update your software before starting each project? Giving advice
    limited to what an out of date, unsupported release is capable of is not
    Diva Physical Verification, May 24, 2005
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