Distribution of SolidWorks Copy Settings Option

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by emswug, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. emswug

    emswug Guest

    Currently within my company. I am trying to standardize the SW options
    we use within the department (30 machines total). I have created a
    SLDREG file using the copy setting option wizard. However when it comes
    to distribution of this file. I have to go to each User machine and
    install this file, one by one. It doesn't take long to do, but its such
    a pain. So how do I get it where this file is distributed automatically
    to the users from my machine. I noticed the additional two options,
    within "select destination." However my knowledge from a system network
    is not that involved.

    So I'm wondering if someone else is using the copy options wizard to
    standardize settings throughout their company? If so how are you
    distributing them? Detailed instructions would be appreciated.

    emswug, Apr 27, 2005
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