Distributed license server 2005

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by concetta27, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. concetta27

    concetta27 Guest

    Please forgive the questions, I am new to networking ACAD.
    Can I place the administrative image on the same computer that I am using as the network license server? I understand that it would have to be a shared folder. Would it have to be on a separate partition?
    Using the distributed license method, are you able to borrow licenses from one location if they are not be used there? I will have two machines running WXP as my network license servers in two locations.
    Thank you in advance for your help.
    Concetta Cantelmo
    County College of Morris
    concetta27, Oct 13, 2004
  2. You can share your administrative images on your license server. Just build
    a separate share for your administrative images. You can control who can
    borrow licenses on a per server basis.
    Depending on the number of licenses you are serving WXP may not be adequate
    from a licensing and/or performance standpoint. As a workstation OS, WXP is
    limited to 10 concurrent connections. Depending on the number of seats you
    are implementing you may be at risk of exceeding this limit.
    If you and the college are new to this, consider having Autodesk Consulting
    come in and help you. You can contact your Autodesk sales person for

    Jerry Milana,
    Autodesk Consulting

    as the network license server? I understand that it would have to be a
    shared folder. Would it have to be on a separate partition?
    one location if they are not be used there? I will have two machines running
    WXP as my network license servers in two locations.
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Oct 13, 2004
  3. concetta27

    concetta27 Guest

    Thank you for the info. I will use W2000 instead.
    Is there a way to borrow the licenses from one server to another?
    concetta27, Oct 14, 2004
  4. Kind of ... I don't know if borrowing is the correct term to use, but you
    can set up a workstation to look for a license first at one server and if a
    license is not found, look to a second server:

    Drew Burgasser
    CAD Masters, Inc.
    Drew Burgasser, Oct 14, 2004
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