distance test for station offset text file

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Coon, Apr 19, 2004.

  1. John Coon

    John Coon Guest

    Help from the group,

    This is a older program that I finally found time to pick-up again.
    Basically I wanted to create a text file that finds
    the midpoint of a set of station values and write those stations to a text
    file. The end product will insert a block at station and
    offset when done. The problem is getting the correct output values in a text
    file. The inserted block is a runway centerline
    paint stripe block with a insert point on the left side stripe. Runway
    stripes are marked starting at both ends and
    working to the midpoint of the runway. that's where I'm having trouble. the
    test for the midpoint looks like it should work but
    it stops one full station short on one end and goes one station too long in
    the other direction.
    each stripe is spaced 200' apart. start of runway is (textbox1) = 1000, end
    runway is (textbox2) = 6200, total distance of runway is 5200'
    station value for the midpoint = 5200 length of runway + 1000 for start
    station given a midpoint station of 3600.

    also when the routine ends it reports a end file name or number. ? how do I
    end closing the file without this error.

    can't see where I'm going wrong. This is the

    clstripe.txt output file
    3310,0 , this should be last station
    3710,0 , wrong should not be here
    , this should be 3770,0

    I placed a sample drawing in the AutoDesk.AutoCAD.customer-files
    "marking-test" under distance test.

    As always thank you to the group for your help.
    John Coon

    Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
    Dim strstart, strend, strspacing, stroffset, fromend, newstart, newend,
    increment As Double
    Dim midpoint As Double
    strstart = TextBox1.Text ' 1000
    strend = TextBox2.Text ' 6200
    stroffset = 0
    strspacing = 200
    fromend = (-430)
    newstart = strstart + 310
    newend = strend + fromend
    midpoint = (strend - strstart) / 2 + 1000
    Open "C:\temp\clstripe.txt" For Output As #1 'Open file for output

    For increment = newstart To newend Step strspacing

    Print #1, increment & "," & stroffset 'Write right side comma-delimited

    If increment > midpoint Then
    increment = newend - 200
    strspacing = (-200)
    newend = newend - 200
    If increment < midpoint Then
    Close #1
    End If
    Else: increment = increment + 200
    End If
    Next increment
    Close #1 'Close file
    End Sub
    John Coon, Apr 19, 2004
  2. John Coon

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Try this. You had more going on inside the For..Next Loop than you needed,
    plus the Print was in the wrong place.

    strstart = 1000
    strend = 6200
    stroffset = 0
    strspacing = 200
    fromend = -430
    newstart = strstart + 310
    newend = strend + fromend + strspacing
    midpoint = ((strend - strstart) / 2) + strstart
    Open "C:\temp\clstripe.txt" For Output As #1 'Open file for output

    For increment = newstart To newend Step strspacing
    If increment > midpoint Then
    increment = newend - 200
    newend = newend - 200
    If increment < midpoint Then
    Close #1
    Exit For
    End If
    End If

    Print #1, increment & "," & stroffset 'Write right side

    Next increment

    Jeff Mishler, Apr 20, 2004
  3. John Coon

    John Coon Guest


    Once again Jeff to the rescue. Thanks Man!
    I read the Exit for help...... It worked like a charm. I'll remember that
    the next time.
    where you changed the ((strend - strstart) / 2) + strstart. that will make
    the routine work with all start station input. what a bonehead I am at
    I also see where moving the print statement works without a hitch.

    Thanks, Have a great day

    John Coon, Apr 21, 2004
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