Distance from Profile Block to Datum line

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by sling blade, Feb 25, 2004.

  1. sling blade

    sling blade Guest

    I need to find the distance from the Datum line to the bottom of the
    Profile Block.

    This distance will be different depending on the drawing setup. I know
    how to find the profile block coordinates but am unsure as to how to
    determine the exact distance from the profile block to the datum.

    I have been using a constant scale factor (which I worked out by using
    our "typical" drawing setup) as a guide to multiply the (y) coordinate
    by to find the distance. Of couse this doesn't work all of the time
    and there will be a gap between my line work and the profile.

    Any help in finding the distance to the datum line for any drawing
    setup would be great!
    sling blade, Feb 25, 2004
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