Displaying user defined handles

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Partha, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. Partha

    Partha Guest

    I would like to know if here is a way to display user defined handles
    on layout, just like a stretch parameter is displayed when using ROD

    I am trying to do automatic resistance calculation as is outlined in
    ROD user guide( code examples) and i was succesful in adding the user
    defied handle, but would be cool if we could be able to display them
    in the layout

    Partha, Sep 22, 2003
  2. Partha

    Partha Guest

    Also in the same thread, can a layout event trigger a call to a user
    defined function, for example can i make the "stretch event" call a
    function after the stretching is done?

    Partha, Sep 23, 2003
  3. No, is the answer. However, there's nothing to stop your pcell creating a
    cellView property in the pcell:


    and then getting the pcell to create a label of type "ILLabel" which
    has an value "ilInst~>master~>calcValue"

    This will then be interpreted when it is displayed, and show the
    value of the property computed by the pcell submaster.

    Andrew Beckett, Oct 3, 2003
  4. When you use the rodAssignHandleToParameter() function you can specify
    a user function which does something as the stretch occurs - not sure if that's
    what you mean?


    Andrew Beckett, Oct 3, 2003
  5. Partha

    Partha Guest

    Thankyou for your suggestions, but you refer to only pcell, and i am
    talking abt using these calculated values and displaying them while
    stretching paths/rectangles( non-pcells)

    I was able to do the following as a workaround,
    1. Use hiRegTimer to register a timer every so often to reevaluate,
    and then use geHightSelecttset to display the values.
    2. Or Have a bindkey that is bound to leHiStretch also bound to my
    function to trigger that fiuntion whenver stretched/moved

    But still I would like to know if there isa way to capture teh
    strtch/move event?

    Partha, Oct 3, 2003
  6. Hi Partha,

    No, there's no specific trigger for the stretch/move event.

    I'd do it with a pcell. Doing to with hiRegTimer is going to be a performance

    A bindkey would be best if you really want to do it this way, but to be honest
    it's hard to tell when the action is complete.

    Andrew Beckett, Oct 5, 2003
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