Displaying Pro/E Model on Web Page, and Changing Parameters

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Matt Doyle, Oct 16, 2003.

  1. Matt Doyle

    Matt Doyle Guest

    Hi there,

    I'm trying to display a Pro/E assembly on a web page that would allow
    viewers of the web page to update parameters created in the assembly
    (e.g. open car door) and would like the displayed model to update
    accordingly. Everything I've found so far allows pan, rotate, zoom of
    the model, but no parameter updating. Does anyone have any ideas or
    experience with this problem?


    Matt Doyle, Oct 16, 2003
  2. Matt Doyle

    dakeb Guest

    You can't do this by changing the model. You would need a proe licence on
    the website even if you could.

    I suggest you make different models showing the various view states you
    require and use the parameter button you set up on the website to switch
    between models.

    dakeb, Oct 17, 2003
  3. Matt Doyle

    David Janes Guest

    First of all, Matt, what you've found that "allows pan, rotate, zoom of the model,
    but no parameter updating" is probably ProductView, a web-enable browser plugin
    for simple viewing of Pro/e files without a Pro/e license. Handy, as far as it
    goes, but pretty limited functionality. Also, if you've used the free Express
    version, you've seen about 20% of what it can do. Here's a list of features taken
    from the FAQ on the trial version of PV:

    · Ability for large numbers of users to access design information in a web-centric
    and scalable environment

    · View different formats of digital product data, including 2D, 3D, documents and
    images without the need for the authoring application

    · Accurately measure (from B-Rep geometry), section 3D models, compare 3D parts
    and 2D drawings.

    · Perform searches across various data types (part names and attributes),
    color-code search results and view according to the color-coding.

    · Collaborate on centrally organized digital product information through markups
    and real-time collaboration.

    · Extract product data from CAD system for re- use in the extended enterprise
    (e.g. dimensions and tolerances for manufacturing)

    In addition to the above, standard ProductView supports:

    · ECAD viewing capability

    · Features to reposition and assemble parts

    · Creation of animation, constraints, repositioning and interference checking

    (For a complete list of ProductView features, please contact your nearest Sales
    Representative for a demonstration.)

    Anyway, sounds like it might do what you need it to do. Here's link to the FAQ. It
    even tells how to download and install the 30 day trial version of the full, not
    Express, package.

    David Janes

    : Hi there,
    : I'm trying to display a Pro/E assembly on a web page that would allow
    : viewers of the web page to update parameters created in the assembly
    : (e.g. open car door) and would like the displayed model to update
    : accordingly. Everything I've found so far allows pan, rotate, zoom of
    : the model, but no parameter updating. Does anyone have any ideas or
    : experience with this problem?
    : Thanks,
    : Matt
    David Janes, Oct 18, 2003
  4. Matt Doyle

    David Janes Guest


    : Ever thought of using VRML data for this?
    : It´s easily exported by all ProE versions, but a browser plugin required.
    : Dunno about the more tricky things - opening/closing doors etc. - might
    : be possible as well.
    You're right, I'm sure I've seen it done, where you could control an animated
    vrml. Pro/e even exports parameters with the .wrl file, so tapping into that could
    be possible, as well.

    And, behind door #3: There's also Pro/PROGRAM and J-link, the java programming
    interface which can be used in conjunction with an assembly program to control
    component placement, parameters and much more.

    And, #4: For those who all have Pro/e licenses and are already connected to the
    internet, there's Pro/COLLABORATE which is design conferencing software, powered
    by Groove technologies conferencing terminal. Someone is the leader and all those
    connected through Pro/COLLABORATE can take turns, creating, modifying,
    manipulating models. Changes that one person makes are distributed to all
    David Janes, Oct 19, 2003
  5. Ever thought of using VRML data for this?

    It´s easily exported by all ProE versions, but a browser plugin required.
    Dunno about the more tricky things - opening/closing doors etc. - might
    be possible as well.

    Walther Mathieu, Oct 20, 2003
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