Display Problem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Ma Pu, Aug 24, 2003.

  1. Ma Pu

    Ma Pu Guest

    Hi everybody,

    I am trying using SSH secure shell from my redhat linux to access
    Cadence in my office and there is the problem regarding display. I tried
    two means to deal with the display:
    (1) xhost + server, ssh to server, export DISPLAY=mymachine:0.0; , and
    then start Cadence.
    (2): xhost + server, ssh to server and start Cadence.

    For the first scenario, after Cadence start up, it give the following
    information, then exit automatically.

    *ERROR* X Window Display Initialization failure
    *WARNING* X Window Display Initialization failure

    For the second scenario, after Cadence startup, I can see my circuit,
    however, the circuit's display area is out my screen. That means, I can
    only see part of the circuit and the window can not be moved.

    Can anybody help me figure out what's the problem?

    Thanks for help!


    Ma Pu, Aug 24, 2003
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