Display of feature dimensions in model view

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by George, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. George

    George Guest

    Can anyone tell me where to find the control that allows the user to click
    on a model edge and have the dimension of that edge pop up onto the screen
    in the model view. The particular sketch feature can then be changed in the
    model view.
    George, Sep 19, 2008
  2. You can double click a model face to get the associated feature &
    sketch dimensions to pop up. Double click one of the dims that popped
    up to edit it.

    I've never heard of a way to do this with the selection of an edge. I
    bet that's because two different features can meet to make an edge.
    Edward T Eaton, Sep 19, 2008
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