I recently was relocated to a new area at work. The previous guy mentioned that his monitor would shake once in a while like it was degaussing but it was only temporary. When I moved into his area my monitor began to flutter all the time, it began to flutter less after a week or so but started to become out of focus. I reduced the resolution to get by for a while but this was only a temporary fix. I moved my monitor to another computer in the office and it was still out of focus so I bought a new monitor. I was a bit disappointed to find my new View Sonic P225F is fuzzy as well. I tried running an extension cord to a different area with no positive results. I relocated my desk to the opposite side of my office and there was an improvement, but nothing to write home about! I don't have the option to swap offices so what are my options? Line fricken my walls with lead? I'm so friggin frustrated right now I could take a bat to the bloody thing!!! I was kind of hoping it could be a video glitch but do you think I could get any help from PNY, there fricken website is down and I can't find a flippen number anywhere. Sorry for venting guys, but does anyone have a suggestion I'm at my wits end and I can't think properly anymore!