Display / Freeze problem Quadro FX3500

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Craig, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. Craig

    Craig Guest

    I apologize in advance if I'm asking a question that has an obvious
    answer, but this is the second day I've been struggling to get SW to
    perform correctly. I'm new to SW but not new to engineering /
    computers, etc. I've searched the NG for similar topics and have
    contacted my VAR. Still no solution. Any suggestions would be

    SW2007 SP0.0

    HP xw6400
    Windows XP pro SP2
    Single Xeon 5150 dual core
    2 Gb RAM
    nVidia Quadro FX3500
    driver 84.80
    Viewsonic VA912b @1280 x 1024
    NOD32 antivirus
    screen comes up. I can see the menus, but I'm not able to open a part,
    menus, etc. It's just frozen.

    After I shut down SW with Ctl-alt-delete I can restart SW and am able
    to access the menus, however, they show up as transparent until I move
    the mouse over the selections. Once I make a selection, the selection
    made remains as a screen artifact that persists no matter what is being

    VAR suggested turning off Hyperthreading. 5150 doesn't hyperthread,
    but I checked that anyways. It's off.
    He also suggested using "Software OpenGL" in the SW option menu. That
    seemed to stir the pot initially, but didn't prove to be stable and
    it's back to doing the same thing whether "Software OpenGL" is on or

    I've done a full reinstall of SW including deleting the registry keys
    and I've tried it with the earlier version of the graphics driver
    approved by SW (84.26). Still does the same things.

    I've deleted NOD32 during installs to make sure it isn't interfering
    with anything and now I've just updated the driver to 91.36. I thought
    I'd solved the problem, but SW locked up when I tried to extrude
    something and after forcing it to quit I got a transparent menu and
    screen artifact on the control bar of the desktop...arrgh!

    Am I missing some setting on the nVidia Desktop Manager? or is there
    some hidden conflict? When I first installed SW a couple months ago it
    seemed fine, but honestly I haven't had much time to work with it
    between then and now. I'm hoping there is a simple solution that I'm
    just not seeing.

    Ironically I installed SW on my Mac Mini at home and it runs like a
    champ with nary a whimper..same for my old IBM T42 that I used before
    replacing it with a "better" machine. Go figure.

    BTW the VAR did suggest subscribing so I could get the service packs
    because "SP0.0 has had hundreds of fixes to it since its initial
    release". I will have to eventually to be able to get a fully
    functional product, but it sure doesn't make me anxious to get on the
    bandwagon for the next release. I know, welcome to your world....

    Craig, Jan 26, 2007
  2. Craig

    Bo Guest

    Just roughly:

    1. I would make sure I try a virgin XP Pro SP2 Install on a partition,
    just to make sure XP Pro is "clean"

    2. Latest SP install of SolidWorks 2007 will get everything even
    steven for a test

    At this point, you have a clean OS & clean SWks to start from.

    Bo, Jan 26, 2007
  3. Craig

    Craig Guest

    Thanks, Bo

    I was afraid someone might sugggest that. It's likely to work but I
    hate to have to go there...

    In mulling through what has changed since the initial install, the most
    intrusive thing I can think of has been installation of Adobe Acrobat
    8. Are there any known conflicts?

    Craig, Jan 26, 2007
  4. Craig

    JKimmel Guest

    Have you set your Nvidia performance settings to "Solidworks"?

    J Kimmel


    "Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum." - When you have
    their full attention in your grip, their hearts and minds will follow.
    JKimmel, Jan 26, 2007
  5. One of the other guys here is running the 3500. I wouldn't say it is
    flawless, but it works reasonably well. Another fellow is running the 1450
    with similar results.

    On the machine with the 3500, there doesn't appear to be any nVidia Desktop
    Manager. On the machine with the 1450, he had some problems with hangups
    (much less obnoxious than yours) until he disabled the nVidia Desktop
    Manager. One of the EEs also had problems (not SolidWork related) until he
    disabled the nVidia Desktop Manager. You might try killing it to see what

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 26, 2007
  6. Craig

    Craig Guest

    I've had the desktop manager set to "Solidworks" for the last few
    rounds and that hasn't seemed to make much difference. I may try
    killing the desktop manager if the latest round of reinstalls doesn't

    Craig, Jan 26, 2007
  7. Craig

    MM Guest

    MM, Jan 27, 2007
  8. Craig

    Bo Guest

    Bo, Jan 27, 2007
  9. Craig

    Craig Guest

    It looks like we've succeeded! Thanks for all the input.

    The key appears to be to disable the nVidia Desktop Manager and also
    exit the nVidia controller in the system tray. I also switched back to
    driver 84.26 and did some clean installs, but didn't see any success
    until nVidia helpers were completely disabled. Sheesh!

    With all the time it takes to keep these "labor saving" devices going,
    it's damm hard to get any real work done!

    Thanks again & have a good weekend.
    Craig, Jan 27, 2007
  10. Craig

    Brian Guest

    BTW the VAR did suggest subscribing so I could get the service packs

    This may, or may not, be the case. Its my understanding that if you
    were entitled to receive a particular version of SW, then you also get all
    relevant service packs to that version, regardless of your subscription
    status. You have to go through your VAR to get them however.
    Brian, Jan 29, 2007
  11. Craig

    Craig Guest

    This may, or may not, be the case. Its my understanding that if you
    That would be great if it's the case. I'll look into it.

    Craig, Jan 29, 2007
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