Display an image in the background

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jean Marc BRUN, Jun 9, 2004.

  1. We have a nice mock-up from our designer, and I'd like to take a picture of
    it to put on the background in part or assy mode, to help capture the
    "esthetical" intent while creating the model.

    Is it possible, and how? (Can't find it)

    Jean Marc BRUN, Jun 9, 2004
  2. Insert>Picture
    will do what you want, but you have to Insert>Customize Menu to add it first
    i guess it isn't there by default. You can edit which picture and delet it
    by View>Modify>Picture
    Corey Scheich, Jun 9, 2004
  3. Thank you, I did not look in the right place(s) first.

    Even can insert picture in a sketch (tools/ Sketch tools/ insert picture -
    translated from French), it has its own property manager...
    Jean Marc BRUN, Jun 10, 2004
  4. Its better to insert into the sketch if you want to capture aesthetic
    intent. You have direct, precise, and permanent control over the sketch
    pictures scale and aspect ratio

    Conversly, a picture inserted into the background will change its proportion
    based on the width of the feature manager (there are, of course, tricks for
    getting it back to the correct proportion...). There's nothing much that
    will irk your designer more than returning a short, fat version of his/her
    beautiful design.
    Edward T Eaton, Jun 11, 2004
  5. That's what I did, resized the image to 1 pixel = 1mm. Works great, saved me
    a lot of time.
    Jean Marc BRUN, Jun 15, 2004
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