Disappearing Saved Files

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jerry Steiger, Dec 23, 2005.

  1. I've talked to three people now who claim that they have had supposedly
    saved SolidWorks files disappear. One of my colleagues swears that he saved
    a file and then saw it disappear from Windows Explorer as SW crashed. Two
    people in our Users Group told us that they had saved files before a crash
    but when they loaded the files they came in as earlier versions. My
    colleague has also seen similar behavior. Does this ring a bell with anyone

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Dec 23, 2005
  2. Jerry Steiger

    cntryfun Guest

    If things fall perfectly right, then yes, you can save a file, have a
    problem/crash during that process, and it screws up the save. Usually
    this will corrupt the file instead of not updating it at all. This is
    VERY rare though.
    As for files disappearing... once they're in the system that has
    nothing to do w/ SolidWorks and I would honestly guess that they either
    didn't save them, or they saved them somewhere other than where they
    wanted and just didn't realize it.

    cntryfun, Dec 30, 2005
  3. Jerry Steiger

    cadPIRATE Guest

    ....And do these scurvy 3 like t' smoke t' dank?
    cadPIRATE, Dec 30, 2005
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