Disappearing mates in SW 2007

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JKimmel, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. JKimmel

    JKimmel Guest

    I'm working on an assembly of 20-30 fairly simple parts. The assembly
    includes a part with a master sketch that is extremely large. I model
    the parts without external references for the most part. I mate them
    into the assembly, save the assembly, close Solidworks, re-open the
    assembly, resolve everything, rebuild everything and everything's fine.
    I do this more than once. I go home. This morning when I opened the
    assembly, dozens of mates were broken, always because a surface on a
    part was not recognized. Any ideas what may be causing this in SW 2007
    sp 2.1?
    J Kimmel


    "Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum." - When you have
    their full attention in your grip, their hearts and minds will follow.
    JKimmel, Jan 26, 2007
  2. JKimmel

    SteveO Guest

    Were you getting the "Face ? **Invalid**@part name" in the Mate
    selection box? If so, chances are you removed or changed a face that
    was being used in the Mate and SolidWorks can't find that face name
    again. If not, I have no idea.

    Steve O
    SteveO, Jan 26, 2007
  3. JKimmel

    Matt Johnson Guest

    I have expirenced this as well. I thought that it might be an issue
    with files being copied for backup at night or something. Sometimes
    supressing and then unsupressing the mates cleans it up. -Matt.
    Matt Johnson, Jan 26, 2007
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